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Oct 24th 2022
Unfortunately, the trauma of missing persons in Cyprus has been used as a weapon by the Greek Cypriot administration to attack Türkiye and their legal intervention of 1974. It is important we reveal the true facts ⬇️

#CyprusMissingPersons #CyprusHistory #Cyprus
The majority of Greek Cypriots that are missing and presumed dead are a direct result of the Greek invasion of Cyprus that occurred on the 15th July 1974. The bulk of the missing persons figure is due to event thats took place before Türkiye even intervened…

#Cyprus #Türkiye
US Ambassador Nelson Ledsky @USAmbCy @USEmbassyCyprus stated in 1991 that most of the Greek Cypriots that were killed, died as a result of Greek Cypriot in-fighting between supporters of Makarios and Sampson.

#Cyprus #CyprusHistory #CyprusTruths
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