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Oct 20th 2019
German TV put the #PeoplesVoteMarch at 2.2 million, according to a German methodology for estimating crowds
The method is based on how many people pass every second on the official march route.

200 / sec for 3 hours is 2.16 million. The march was actually longer than 3 hours. Even if you call it 100 people every second you get 1.08m.
Germany’s Die Zeit said over 1 million people.

This does not count:
- people joining and leaving except at start / end
- side roads / unofficial routes
- parallel streams
- people taking a break in coffee shops / toilets
- stragglers who are early / late
Read 9 tweets
Jul 20th 2018
ICYMI: @RepDavidEPrice participated in a community forum in Raleigh, NC last night to discuss anti-corruption, pro-voter solutions to lift voices of people over wealthy special interests.

Here are a few highlights from the event. #DemandDemocracy ⬇️…
.@RepDavidEPrice gave an overview of voter suppression, gerrymandering, & big money in politics. These are non-partisan issues that can be remedied if we #DemandDemocracy.

Read more about his push for a Better Deal for Our Democracy ⬇️…
“The right of people to cast a ballot in NC is under attack. Our state is ground zero for voter suppression. Restrictive voter ID laws erect barriers for people of color, students, & the elderly. Restrictions on early voting, provisional ballots, & so much more.” -@RepDavidEPrice
Read 12 tweets

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