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Apr 20th 2020
Is the key to #sauropod neck position and high browsing capabilities in their butts (actually, their sacra)? Today, we publish @SciReports how sacra may be key in sauropod evolution. #Paleoart: #Spinophorosaurus and indet. #theropod by Diego Cobo. #thread #science #paleo 1/n
First, I must say this was the first paper I wrote out of my last 3, and it was the first submitted as well. So I am very glad to see it seeing light after almost 2 years since I wrote the first draft. Here's the link 2/n
Everything started when I assembled the virtual neck of the Spinophorosaurus holotype in 2015-16. Since it is one of the few known complete and well-preserved sauropod necks, it was a good specimen to test whether previous analyses held true 3/n
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