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Oct 2nd 2020
Here is Myth #2 for #DyslexiaAwarnessMonth 2020:
FIRST SIGNS OF #DYSLEXIA OR #READING IMPAIRMENTS CAN ONLY BE SEEN AFTER 2-3 YEARS OF READING INSTRUCTION. Nope. Early signs can be seen as early as preschool. Here is what to look for:
Numerous studies have shown that these skills are predictive of successful #reading acquisition as early as age 4 or 5:
Phonological awareness
Pseudoword repetition
Rapid Automatized Naming
Expressive/Receptive vocabulary
Letter (sound) knowledge
Oral listening comprehension
4 follow-up readings pl look at our review paper w @olaozpa & the wonderful work of many global researchers eg @CattsHugh @yaacovp @lervag M Snowling, C Hulme, @schotz @tiffanyphogan @deevybee @TheDrPT J Malatesha, H Lyytinen, G. Schulte-Körne, & many more
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Oct 30th 2019
Myth #29 #DyslexiaAwarnessMonth: "Children with an older sibling or parent with #dyslexia will always develop dyslexia themselves!" NOT TRUE! Research has suggested that approx. 40-60% of people with a first degree relative with #dyslexia will struggle with #reading themselves1/5
Several genes have been reported to be candidates for dyslexia susceptibility and it has been suggested that the majority of these genes plays a role in early brain development. [e.g.; Galaburda et al., 2006; Hannula-Jouppi et al., 2005; Meng et al., 2005; Skiba et al., 2011] 2/5
I am not an expert on this topic and do not want to pretend to be one. So please read the work of these wonderful researchers here: Bruce Pennington @UofDenver, Elena Grigorenko @haskinslabs, Anthony Monaco @TuftsUniversity @saraannhart @FlorinaErbeli @drElsje and many more 3/5
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