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Oct 19th 2022
The natural history of SMR and its longitudinal progression until the onset of severe #MR

There are two distinct patterns of progression of SMR patients with various implications… #EHJCVI @GeraldMaurer @denisamuraru @alessia_gimelli @JGrapsa @iamritu Image
Cluster 1 had higher LAV, LVEDV, and #LVESV, along with lower EF and less septal thickness, but slower EF and LVESV progression compared with Cluster 2.

Moderate SMR was more frequent in Cluster 1, whereas Cluster 2 had more non/trivial and mild #SMR

#EchoFirst #EHJCVI Image
On time-to-event analysis, there were no differences in terms of mortality and occurrence of MV interventions, #LVAD , and HTx

A higher likelihood of MV interventions (including Sx and #TEER) was observed in Cluster 2 type with fewer LVAD procedures

#EchoFirst #EHJCVI ImageImageImage
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