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May 15th 2023
What is meant my Pulsus Paradoxus ?
A one-stop pathophysiology thread you’d ever need 🧵

#MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #MedEd #FOAMed #CardioEd #USMLE #ICU #EMTwitter Image
To understand Pulsus Paradoxus in detail,

It is essential to realise for a fact that, 1. Pleural pressure, 2. Abdominal pressure, 3. Heart chamber pressures & 4. Lung pressures, are all interconnected, interact & react among each other.
As we inspire —> the diaphragm moves down, creating a more negative intra-pleural pressure & a more positive abdominal pressure —> this adds up to ⬆️ venous return to right atrium —> excess blood enters RV & ⬆️ right ventricular end diastolic pressure (RVED)
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