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Nov 9th 2017
#EminAgalarov and #Trump: Five women in a hotel room? Irrelevant. The thread below is what really matters. 1. 2013, Moscow: Trump has meetings with Aras Agalarov, an oligarch and Putin’s ally in Moscow, the father of Emin Agalarov. @WendySiegelman @grantstern @bfry1981
2. Aras Agalarov invested $20 million in Trump’s Miss Universe competition in Moscow in November 2013, right after Putin decorated Agalarov with the Order of Orders in Kremlin.
3. Trump was accompanied by Rotem Rosen, the right-hand man of Soviet-born Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev, an oligarch with longstanding ties to Putin, and Alex Sapir, Rosen's relative and business partner/relative.
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