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Jun 15th 2020
In the midst of everything that is happening, many county officials are voting on whether or not to keep their collaboration between ICE & the police through their 287g agreements.

In Tarrant County, Texas that vote is happening tomorrow.
#End287g #ICEoutofTarrant
Texas is a carceral and anti-immigrant state & for far too long, Sheriffs have played a role in enforcing unjust laws that criminalize black and brown people in our communities.

This isn't anything new. It's been happening since the very beginning of our country's history.
Quick History: Law enforcement originated from slave patrols. Their job was to protect the property of business owners and the safety of white people.

THIS HAS NOT CHANGED & today we see officers continue to serve white supremacy, and not the safety of ALL of our communities
Read 10 tweets
Jun 13th 2019
IMPORTANT THREAD 👉🏽 In 2017, Tarrant County, Texas voluntarily signed an agreement to cooperate with immigration to enforce federal laws. We must stay informed about how this program impacts our families and communities NATIONWIDE.
The ICE out of Tarrant #End287g campaign is led by community members and organizations who aim to protect immigrants and bring awareness about the harm created by this program.
THIS MONTH the the 287(g) agreement will come up for a vote and we are asking EVERYONE to join us in asking that this program not be continued. No matter where you are, please sign the petition to join your voice with others fighting for immigrants:
Read 3 tweets

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