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Aug 9th 2020

Four days after the @YeleSowore-led #RevolutionNow Movement embarked on a protest across parts of Nigeria, some of the participants arrested by @PoliceNG and the DSS, are still illegally incarcerated at various detention facilities. ImageImageImageImage
2/ Illegally incarcerating the hapless and aggrieved Nigerian youths who embarked on the #August5thProtest, beyond 24-48 hours, runs afoul of Section 35 of Nigeria's 1999 Constitution, which guarantees Right to Personal Liberty.
3/ Section 35 (5) provides that an accused person who has been arrested on the allegation of having committed an offence must be charged to court within 24 hours where a court of competent jurisdiction is located within a radius of forty kilometers from the police station.
Read 16 tweets
Feb 1st 2019
We must address election violence no doubt and speak sense to hearts & minds out there. But this would only make sense if it genuinely comes from a sincere heart not the adulteration of another person’s research or the replication of someone else’s work. #EndElectionViolence
So this morning I will focus on original works of reputable leaders not those who purchase their academic titles and sojourns on earth to die a copy. Plagiarism is a crime in sane climes but people in high places in ours steal intellectual property with pride. 😞
Since I’m a gentleman let me explore and commend the works of our women. Just yesterday HE @ToyinSaraki gave a speech on “Stop Election Violence- Women & Youth Votes are Key to Building Healthier & Safer NIGERIA.
Read 17 tweets

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