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Most recents (2)

May 21st 2021
The attacks on Jews continue.

Pro-Palestinian protestors throw a bottle and spit on Jews eating in New York.

#EndJewHate #Antisemitism 

What happened to all those apologists saying “antisemitism only happens with white nationalists” … pretty damn silent now. Can’t even get a tweet of condemnation. Can you give us even an Instagram story?
More video of Palestinian mobs terrorizing residents in New York and looking to attack Jews.
Read 4 tweets
May 2nd 2021
Donation No. 24 to the ADL. The proverbial hits just keep on comin', don't they? #EndJewHate Image
Donation No. 25 to the ADL. This Twitter account was operated by the same white supremacist who created the one cited in my previous tweet.

What a world, what a world. 😉#DeplatformHate Image
Donation No. 26 to the ADL. #NoSafeSpaceForJewHate Image
Read 425 tweets

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