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Aug 24th 2020
Chaos is fine on reality TV. In the White House, it’s deadly.


End the #TrumpChaos
Nearly half of all America's #COVID19 deaths are in nursing homes.

Other countries protected their seniors.

Our chaos President let them die.

#TrumpChaos #RNC2020…
Trump likes to blame others for the pandemic he failed to stop.

But his own stupidity and lack of discipline have made America fail while other countries succeeded.

#TrumpChaos #RNC2020…
Read 3 tweets
Aug 24th 2020
The Failure Convention: With no record to run on, no ideas to offer, and a party that can't even be bothered to write a platform, the President of Death, Despair and Devastation asks America for four more years. #FailureConvention #RNC2020…
As the #FailureConvention begins, @MeidasTouch declares it’s time to #EndTheMisery.
He still says he shut it down? 430,000 passengers--equal to the population of Minneapolis--flew in from China after the outbreak began. In February, more people than live in Phoenix flew in to NY from Europe as Trump downplayed the risk. #FailureConvention…
Read 8 tweets

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