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Jul 1st 2022
🧵#FBA tweets are purposely written in terms of conflict & competition. The white replacement framing isn't accidental. Theyre fixated on points of Black 🇺🇲/ Black 🇺🇲immigrant tension? Each tweet searchs for a conflict storyline with the diaspora.

Never with white immigrants..
White conservative anti-immigrant groups intent on driving a wedge between the "diaspora.” are paying #FBA #FREEDMEN #ADOS influencers to manipulate the Black American social media users. Steve Bannon admits the goal has always been to split the vote & drive up Dem unfavorables.
Racists have always used Blacks when influencing African American public opinion. Twitter is the perfect aggregator and carnival mirror. Let's look at the dual purpose of Marcel Dixon for Congress served as a tether for White Supremacy, but also a litmus test to see if
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