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Jan 11th 2023
BREAKING: #FauciFiles
#Fauci and his minions at NIH got $315 Million in bribes from Pfizer, Moderna & Co.

bribes called "royalty checks"
Fauci alone got 23 "royalty checks"


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2.- in case you don't know...
#Fauci is protected by:
- the FBI
- the CIA
- the Pentagon
- the NSA
- the DHS
- the DNC
- Fauci is also protected, of course, by the SQUATTER in the White House, Joe Biden.
3.- Pfizer made $72 BILLION with the so-called "vaccines".

Fauci agency - NIH - has a budget of $30 Billion/year

It's easy to do the math...

NIH billions >> Pfizer >> bribes to Fauci & NIH

Easy Peasy...
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