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Jun 19th 2023
Bueno amigos antes de ir al estadio 🏟️ nos vamos haciendo la previa en #FIFA23 #LTAMod 😎🇦🇹🔥 Image
Ambos con la de local, cero relajo. Image
Con tanta baja se rumoreó que esto iba a poner el profe hoy. Vuelve el goleador Blanco, aparece Jair Castillo como la novedad y que sea lo que Dios quiera 😂 Image
Read 14 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
Penjajahan diatas dunia harus dihapuskan maka penjajahan indonesia atas bangsa west Papua harus dihapuskan😁

Watak penjajah tetap luput dari tidakan penjajahan.
@jokowi stop pura² mas di papua Bp operasi militer kok 😂🤣🤣
Jadi israel dan Indonesia sama2 penjajah yang menjajah bangsa lain.

#Israel menjaja #palestina
#Indonesia menjaja #Papua

Sesama penjajah lagi lawakan 😂🤣🤣
Bukan soal piala dunia /#FIFA23 tapi nyawa 132 manusia #kanjuruhan yang dibunuh aparat, kalo pemimpin negara yg buta tetap inkonsistensi, dgn kwajiban yg harus diselesaikan.

Ketika isu penolakan #israel dalm #FIFA23 seakan indonesia tdk menjadi penjajah terhdp org papua
Read 4 tweets
Mar 26th 2023
✍️ Güncel futbolda farklı seviyelerdeki takımlar ve ligler açısından büyük önem arz eden kompakt savunma anlayışı, koşu mesafesi, merkezde ve hücumda sayısal üstünlük, duran top organizasyonları gibi ayrıntılar karşılaşmaların sonuçlarını büyük oranda tayin ediyor. ImageImage
Tercih edilen formasyonlar kısa ve uzun vadede olumlu sonuçlar alma konusunda her ne kadar kesinlik ifade etmese de sisteminize hitap eden oyuncu seçimleri, rotasyon durumuna bağlı takım kalitesi de bahsedilen detayların sahaya yansıtılmasındaki en önemli etkenlerden. Image
Bugün sizlere son dönemde üst seviye ligler ve turnuvalarda TD tarafından sıkça tercih edilen 3'lü savunma dizilişlerinden ve Ülkemizdeki durumundan bahsetmek istiyorum.

Hiç şüphesiz 3'lü savunmanın da diğer opsiyonlar gibi zayıf ve güçlü yönleri de bulunuyor. Image
Read 23 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
A guide on how to complete the new League specific SBC’s (a thread) ✅

Yes I’m back with another thread. Check my pinned tweet for more. Last time out people were copying my work 🤦🏼‍♂️

Likes / RT’s appreciated as always, if it helps you it might help someone else

#FUT23 #FIFA23 Image
From the table below you can see the cost and rewards of both SBC’s

EA have made the Lib / Sub section of the Mixed League Upgrade cheaper this time which is an advantage for those on a low budget

I’ve tried to make this easy for those with and those without coins ImageImage
1.) Use Bronze Pack Method if you have no players or coins in your club ⬇️

STORE all players from ONE section of the Mixed League Upgrade. Sell everything else, it’s important to maintain coins

If you have 200K+ skip to step 5.) or STORE ALL players from ALL sections of BPM Image
Read 17 tweets
Dec 27th 2022
A guide on how to complete the new Winter League SBC’s (a thread) ✅

We, as a community have been crying out for some menu content and EA have finally delivered, but what’s the best way to grind these SBC’s? ⬇️
Firstly, you should choose which SBC you want to complete. Below I have a made a table for you guys to help you decide ⬇️👇

From the table you can see that in terms of “pack value”, the Premium Winter League SBC is better in comparison to the Winter League SBC monetarily 🤑
So you’ve decided which SBC to complete but how to do you get there?

To be the most efficient, you have to put in time. If you’re club Is already stacked or you have coins you can skip this part…

You need to use BPM (Bronze Pack Method) if you have no players in your club ⬇️
Read 20 tweets
Dec 24th 2022
Political junkies had a lot to watch this year. Aside from wall-to-wall coverage of the midterm elections, there was the summer spectacle of the Jan. 6 Committee hearings (which one critic named as one of his top TV shows of 2022).
#FIFA23 #FilmfareOTTAwards2022 #MarvelStudios… But wide-angle shots of congressional hearings and talking heads predicting doom for Dems weren’t the only political content — on the small screen and the big — this year. Satires of the rich, meditations on cancel culture, depictions of revolution and… American exceptionalism were everywhere we looked. In that spirit, here is Nightly’s list of movies and television shows that said something interesting about our politics and values — and, most importantly, kept us entertained.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 19th 2022
🚨Squad Battles Glitch🚨

1: Ur player need to have 75+ Strength

2: Run to the spot you see on the video

3: Hold (R2) until the player touches you

4: Drop R2 and enjoy your free time
Meant of course L2/LT
3 Days later and the squad battles glitch still works! #FIFA23
Read 3 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
📅 2025-2026
🏆 #LaLigaSantander | #CopaDelRey
💰 52M€

𝐿𝑎 𝐶𝑜𝑝𝑎 𝑒𝑠 𝑑𝑒 𝐸𝑙 𝑅𝑒𝑦 ✨

🎮 Ultimate & controles en manual (sin competitivo)
⌚ 4 minutos
🧤 Porteros al 90

📲 #Racingclub | #Fifa23

Seguimos dando continuidad al proyecto de Míster Guillermo para afrontar una temporada en donde se añade la Super Copa y para ello tendremos que potenciar al Club con fichajes que a continuación vamos a desglosar: ImageImage
𝔸𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕠 𝕓𝕠𝕔𝕒 😱

@Pozuelo_10 ha quedado libre tras no renovar con el @TorontoFC y para nosotros la posición principal que puede desempeñar ha sido crucial para que nuestros agentes le hicieran la propuesta "a la baja" y aceptó sin reparos...
Read 66 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
📝 TÁCTICAS 4-3-2-1 📝

La formación con la que conseguí el triple RANGO 1 en #FIFA23 🔥🔥

🔶️ PARTE 1: Competitiva
🔶️ PARTE 2: Alternativa

Para ayudar a más fiferos, deja un pedazo de ❤️/🔄!!

Papel y boli y vamooos!! ⬇️⬇️ Image


Para defender bien y evitar triangulazos entre defensas, utilizaremos una defensa bastante estrecha y en equilibrada

Como va a bajar un SD, se formará una clásica 4-4-2 Image
Read 13 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
How to Make Easy Coins on a Low Budget With This SBC (THREAD) Image
The new chemistry system makes high chem SBCs very challenging to complete

This combined with the fact that players get 0 chem out of position can force some insanely strong prices for what’s needed

This SBC is a perfect example Image
Now without Futbin, you’re going to primarily see people use strong links like below to complete this SBC

English + Prem
La Liga + Spain
France + Ligue 1

BUT you also need cards in their exact position to have success Image
Read 9 tweets
Oct 5th 2022

A raíz del tuit realizado por @xNoahHD1 , hemos cogido su información para explicaros un procedimiento para poder tener cartas ilimitadas sin asignar en FIFA 23.

Toma 📝, que arrancamos.

#FIFA23 Image

Antes de arrancar, tenéis que tener en cuenta una serie de aspectos explicados por @xNoahHD1 👇

📌 El método ha sido testeado en PS4 y PS5, siendo más seguro en PS4.
📌 Debes evitar baneos leves de mercado.
📌 No rebases el límite de compra por hora.


📌 Si te equivocas en el proceso, tendrás que tener menos de 100 cartas sin asignar para poder empezar de nuevo.

Dicho esto, comenzamos.

Read 14 tweets
Sep 7th 2022
[THREAD] Metodi di compravendita low budget. 📈💰

Apprezzerei un like e retweet per aiutarmi a diffonderlo. Grazie a tutti in anticipo.

Vi ringrazio per aver condiviso il thread sulla compravendita allo start del gioco. Se ve lo siete perso andatelo a leggere.

Questi metodi che andrò ad illustrare saranno generalmente utilizzabili durante molti periodi dell’anno. Solitamente il budget di cui c’è bisogno per poterli fare va dai 10 ai 100k.
• Metodo degli oro comuni:

Durante la settimana le carte oro comuni possono essere richieste nelle SBC. Quelle che smuovono di più i prezzi solo gli incontri settimanali, quindi il mio consiglio è di analizzarvi le possibili partite che potranno venire scelte. (1/2)
Read 11 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
[THREAD] Come fare i primi 100k su FUT per avere una pila trasferimenti ben avviata ed arrivare a 1kk nella prima settimana 💰

Apprezzerei un like e retweet per aiutarmi a diffonderlo. Grazie a tutti in anticipo.

#FIFA23 #FUT23 #trading Image
La prima settimana di FUT è sempre molto prolifica per il mercato, in quanto TUTTI gli utenti devono creare la loro prima squadra. Di conseguenza ogni piccolo credito è utile per essere investito e moltiplicato grazie a tecniche di compravendita.

Vediamo ora questi metodi: Image
• Pacchetti benvenuto:

Ogni anno EA regala pacchetti di benvenuto in base agli anni che si ha giocato a FUT. Sono utili in quanto TUTTO quello che verrà trovato dovrà essere venduto per massimizzare il budget iniziale: magliette, scudetti, giocatori… insomma svuotate il club. Image
Read 16 tweets
Aug 18th 2022
What is online gaming?
Online gaming describes any video game that offers online interactions with other players. Video games used to be classified by an Online Content PEGI descriptor to signify whether they were #famemma15 #FHEROxYOUNGJAExTHETOYS #FIFA23… online or not. However, as most games now provide online interactions this distinction is no longer used.
What is still different game to game, is the level of interaction on offer. How much information players share and how many people they interact… with are the two key factors for parents to be aware of.Offers clear benefits for children

Online games are important to understand because they offer a huge amount of fun, enjoyment, teamwork, collaboration and imaginative adventure for children.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 18th 2022
involving teenagers, a direct link between video game violence and violent behaviour has not been found.

In their book, Moral Combat, Markey and Ferguson show that although the rise of video game #SISMO #AEWDynamite #FIFA23… sales to teenagers has risen steeply over the years there has been no correlating rise in violent crime. In fact, they suggest the reverse is true — that games can play a role in keeping teenagers off the streets and out of trouble.… Still, it is important that parents understand how video games affect their children. Parents may not be aware of the actual scenes their children will experience in games before playing them. It’s crucial, therefore, that parents use the PEGI ratings
Read 10 tweets
Aug 16th 2022

Manchester United is in a deep crisis in real life currently, so can you save them in Career Mode?

Follow this thread for multiple rules & objectives to use 👇 Image
1. You can select a real manager to be in FIFA23 Career Mode, so select Erik Ten Hag who is the current Man Utd manager

If you are doing this challenge in FIFA22, recreate his face by yourself

(You can search for tutorials on YouTube as well) Image
2. Some of Man Utd's core players should be looked at whether to keep them or sell them. Either way, you will have to keep De Gea, Maguire AND Ronaldo or sell ALL of them

What will you choose? 🤔 Image
Read 7 tweets
Aug 11th 2022
1/ This is the how Chemistry works in #FIFA23. 👨🏾‍🔬🧪⬇ @EASPORTSFIFA

Forget about links and the team chemistry meter.

It’s now about individual player Chemistry. 💪🏾

[THREAD] 🧵 Image
2/ Each player in your squad can get up to 3 Chemistry for max chem. This lets him play to his best ability.

Playing him out of position or having 0 Chem won’t negatively affect him.

Bench players don’t affect Chemistry. Image
3/ You increase a player’s Chemistry by adding other players from the same Club, League, or Nation to the XI.

The more players you add to each category unlocks more Chem for those players.

The amount of Chem you gain from each category is based on these thresholds: Image
Read 11 tweets
Jul 21st 2022
to explode for a genuinely original bonus feature #famemma15 that includes wilds and free spins. The middle reels turn wild and you are awarded five free spins of intense #FIFA23 flaming action, making it by far.…
the most fascinating element of the slot machine. Although they might take some time, this is where any significant victories might be found. There are only those wilds and the free spins to keep you. @howardstutz…
company in this extremely straightforward game. Even with the entertaining free-spin extra feature, it's difficult to fall in love with this Hot Hot volcanic slot, probably because the images don't capture.…

you right away.
Read 7 tweets
Jul 20th 2022
The United Kingdom is considered one of the world’s best regulated online gambling markets, therefore it comes as no surprise, slot buffs from the UK can enjoy the widest variety of sophisticated fruit machines.

Still, they cannot embark on fantastic #FIFA23 #WeMetOnTwitter… brought by Play ‘n Go, Quickspin, Pragmatic Play,Habanero, Playtech, Novomatic, ORYX, Fugaso, Spinomenal, Playson, or Habanero – despite the fact these software developers are often among the suppliers who power UK-friendly casinos. Other studios on… the list are SlotVision, Solid Gaming, Slotland, Vista Gaming, Arcadem, Bomba Games, Booming Games, Dragon Gaming, and Espresso Games.French punters can have access to a broad assortment of top-notch online slots, of course, if they have an account at the
Read 7 tweets

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