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Mar 15th 2023
⭕ Khaled Awawdeh suffers from serious health complications as an outcome of his prolonged hunger strike which led to nerve damage & the inability to walk.

“The biggest fear is that Khalil will lose the ability to walk and he might need to adapt to a life in a wheelchair,”
Khalil Awawdeh went on a hunger strike, which began last March and lasted for 172 days, against the policy of unlawful administrative detention.

After an initial 111 days, he suspended his hunger strike based on promises of his release, but the occupation broke its promise –
and issued a new administrative detention order for 4 months against him, which prompted him to resume his strike in July 2022.

Khalil spent a total of 12 years in the occupation prisons, including 6 years in administrative detention.

Read 4 tweets
Aug 29th 2022
URGENT: Khalil Awawdeh has been on hunger strike for almost 6 months to protest his illegal imprisonment by Israel without charge or trial.

He is on the brink of death. We demand his freedom NOW, as well as the end of Israel's practice of administrative detention.

Staring down the barrel of “administrative detention,” or indefinite incarceration by Israel without due process, Khalil Awawdeh courageously decided to join a long legacy of Palestinian hunger strikers, many of whom successfully achieved their freedom.
For Palestinian prisoners, hunger strikes are the last and only form of resistance.

Though grueling and life-threatening, strikes are also a reclamation of control over their bodies, and a testament to Israel’s failure to break their will and suppress their struggle for freedom.
Read 7 tweets

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