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May 10th 2020
FLW & Wagner #Puzzle

This is a very significant piece
What is a tracing board?
It is a form of Masonic Art meant to be contemplated to teach the student natural & moral law.

There are 3 elements to understanding the natural & moral law (understanding of these things must be gained with each step someone progresses)
Natural Law & morality are to be understood in light of 3 elements

1. Allegory

2. Symbolism

3. Ritual
Read 10 tweets
May 5th 2020
Here is a story of moral cussedness, political apathy and spin doctoring.
Migrant workers are made to pay for their evacuation.
Govt passes the buck to state governments.
Ruling party uses spins & fakes to wriggle out.
This thread exposes the truth.
Let's cut through the clutter and focus on three simple questions:
1. Who is eligible to use Shramik express trains?
2. How much fare does the railway charge?
3. Who pays this fare?
BJP spin doctors have tried to bluff their way through on all these.
Q1. Who is eligible?
Impression: Every migrant worker can use these to go back to native place.
Truth: Only persons temporarily stranded. Workers can't use it to go from workplace back to native place. Shramik trains are not for migrant workers!
See this MHA letter
Read 6 tweets

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