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Sep 30th 2022
#Mutiny and clashes in #BurkinaFaso still underway. Are we seeing a #coup within a coup - if so who is behind it? Much is unclear, but the presidency announced earlier on social media it is negotiating with mutineers. How did we get here are what are they likely to talk about?🧵
2/ In recent weeks, discontent📈within the army. Some see #Damiba as having become more of a politician than the military leader they were hoping for & see him as having failed to deliver on his security promises. 26 Sept convoy attack in #Gaskindé sparked further📈in frustration
3/ As security forces suffer recurring losses, the dynamic could be similar to Nov 2021, when the high death toll of the Inata attack against sec forces and the news that they were ill-equipped and supplied sparked anger and discontent in the ranks
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