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Jun 13th 2023
#GIJoe thread, maybe? Seems like a fun week to toss some stuff out into the wild. Here’s a sequence for a Snake Eyes fan/mini-comic I started but never finished. I liked the use of ASL as SE’s primary form of communication in Renegades and was (somewhat poorly) exploring that… ImageImageImageImage
I’ve been doing “Bad sketches by a writer” for years, but shifted my focus to drawing GI Joes almost exclusively since. Here’s some of the worst (and best) of the bunch. ImageImageImageImage
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Jun 2nd 2023
For #YoJoeJune this year, I wanted to contribute, share & detail my own #GIJoe journey — a 🧵

By the time 1982 had rolled around, I had aged out of toys in favor of skirts, booze and cigarettes. However, I did watch the cartoon ...


... when I got home from high school, and had picked up an ’84 Storm Shadow (MIA) because … ninjas 🥷🏾 were cool.

In my 20’s, I revisited my old collecting habits, and my vintage #StarWars. I kept tabs on the Joe toys because ...

... I appreciated the wealth of world-building and articulation.

Fast-forward another 20 years, and I am keeping tabs on the toy industry as a whole while focusing on that galaxy far, far away. Fast-forward another 10 years, and @super7store is releasing ...

Read 13 tweets
Dec 30th 2022
Bookmark this tweet for an amazing run of #GIJoe Art - Artist Profiles, both Fans & Pros, already on its way and ready to explode in 2023!🔥…
#GIJoeArt #GIJoeNation #Cobra @GIJoeOfficial @Hasbro ImageImageImageImage
G.I. Joe Art - Jen Broomall…
Check out ALL the #GIJoe Art by @JenBroomallArt in this profile! 🔥

#GIJoeNation #GIJoeArt #Cobra Image
G.I. Joe Art - John Giang…
Check out ALL the #GIJoe Art by @johngiang_art in this profile! 🔥 Image
Read 56 tweets
Aug 13th 2022
You know, this just inspires me to run a game where the players are members of the management of HASBRO, trying to manage setting COBRA versus G.I. Joe. #gaming #GIJoe #Hasbro 1/8
Logistically supporting both sides, and making sure neither one actually has a winning position because if that happens, HASBRO doesn't have a profit angle. 2/8
Probably also dealing with private organizations that have personal interests for insurance fraud, political manipulation by proxy, that sort of thing, at the same time. 3/8
Read 8 tweets
May 14th 2020
So I'm intending to do a post/pick a day of art I've bought or commissioned from an artist hopefully along with @chiefy2shoes & @seddonism
Day 1 is #hellboy by the great @duncanfegredo This started a theme of characters eating ice cream, I've not got too many in this theme though Image
Day #2 of sketches/commissions posts of art that I've got over the years. Continuing the theme of characters with #icecream here is #thegoon by the amazing Eric Powell @goonguy done at @ThoughtBubbleUK in Leeds. #ComicCon #commissions #comics #goon @chiefy2shoes @seddonism Image
Day #3 of art/commissions bought over the years. Baroness eating an ice cream by @RachaelAtWork. Think this was my final "character eating an ice cream" so not many in that theme, need to do more @chiefy2shoes @seddonism @Talking_Joe @TheFullForce #GIJoe #Baroness #comicart Image
Read 200 tweets

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