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Feb 10th 2019
THREAD: Debunking the #DailyMail #Corbyn Scandal Tsunami.

As the imminent resolution to #Brexit looks JC shaped, the capitalist establishment is in melt down. Red Tories are poised to press the big red button & the plain ole blue Tories are shooting out chaff. Let's go! 1/
1) JC Showed Off to His Mates he Got Laid!
So, he's male then. Next!

2) JC is a Tyrant Who:
Seized power (twice elected)
Purged moderates (barely acknowledges their sabotage)
Crushes dissent (hasn't sacked any1 for ages)
Leaves others to dirty work (was only 1 to table PV) 2/
3) Corbyn Hates Women!

"'Misogynist put downs!"
(Definitely said 'stupid people')…

"Labour never had a female leader!"
(but JC picked first ever 50/50 sex-balanced cabinet)

"He doest do housework cos he's too obsessed with fixing the world!"
(OK?) 3/
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