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Aug 12th 2019
Short #Tweetorial

How did we started with heated humified high flow nasal cannula in 🇺🇾 ?

Easy explanation of 3 #HHHFNC homemade models #HFNC devices?

(No COI to declare)

#PedsICU #SoMe4MV #historyofmedicine @WFPICCS
It is really easy.
You can get information of its uses and applications in this nice review in @respcare ▶️

This is basically the diagram 👇
So back in 2012 in our country we wanted to try some kind of respiratory support for the youngest infants in which interfases for #NIV was difficult.

SO we came up with an idea: What if we dismantle the old ventilators we do not use any more?

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