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Mar 11th 2020
1. Today at 14:00 we are hosting our weekly seminar at @greentempleton. The speakers will be @MeeraSelva1 and @simgandi, authors of our factsheet on female leadership in the news media. We'll be live-streaming the event #RISJSeminars

📌 A few details on the topic in this thread Image
2. Only 23% of the top editors across 200 major outlets in 10 different markets are women, according to the factsheet we published on Sunday.

Markets covered: 🇯🇵🇰🇷🇲🇽🇺🇸🇬🇧🇧🇷🇩🇪🇫🇮🇭🇰🇿🇦

📱Read the factsheet here…
3. Percentages of female top editors are very different in every market covered by our factsheet. But every market has a minority of women among the top editors, including 🇧🇷 & 🇫🇮 where women outnumber men among working journalists. Image
Read 7 tweets
Mar 8th 2020
To a topic I feel strongly about. Here’s a twitter thread for you on this day. #IWD2020 #InternationalWomenDay2020
Read 23 tweets
Mar 8th 2020
1. Sólo el 23% de los directores de 200 medios en 10 mercados son mujeres. Es una de las conclusiones del informe de @simgandi @MeeraSelva1 y @rasmus_kleis que publicamos hoy.


📱Léelo entero…

🧶Conclusiones aquí #IWD2020 #8M2020 Image
2. En los 10 mercados del informe las mujeres son minoría entre los directores. También en 🇧🇷 y en 🇫🇮, donde hay más mujeres periodistas que hombres. Aquí los %

0% Japón🇯🇵
6% México🇲🇽
11% S. Korea🇰🇷
13% Hong Kong🇭🇰
22% 🇧🇷
27% 🇩🇪
29% 🇬🇧
33% Finlandia🇫🇮
41% 🇺🇸
47% Sudáfrica🇿🇦 Image
3. Al comparar el % de mujeres en periodismo con el % de mujeres que lideran redacciones, encontramos una fuerte correlación positiva. Sin embargo, en 9 de los 10 mercados hay muchas más mujeres periodistas que mujeres al frente #8M2020 #8marzo2020 Image
Read 6 tweets
Mar 8th 2020
1. Only 23% of the top editors across 200 major outlets in 10 different markets are women, according to a NEW FACTSHEET by @simgandi @MeeraSelva1 & @rasmus_kleis

Markets covered: 🇯🇵🇰🇷🇲🇽🇺🇸🇬🇧🇧🇷🇩🇪🇫🇮 🇭🇰🇿🇦
📱Read it here…

🐦Key findings in thread #IWD2020 Image
2. Every market has a minority of women among the top editors, including 🇧🇷 & 🇫🇮 where women outnumber men among working journalists. Here are %

0% Japan 🇯🇵
6% Mexico 🇲🇽
11% S. Korea 🇰🇷
13% HK 🇭🇰
22% Brazil 🇧🇷
27% Germany 🇩🇪
29% UK 🇬🇧
33% Finland 🇫🇮
41% US 🇺🇸
47% S. Africa 🇿🇦 Image
3. When we compare the % of women in journalism with the % of women in top editorial positions, we find a strong and positive correlation. And yet, in 9 out of 10 markets, there are many more women working as journalists than women among the top editors #HappyWomensDay2020 Image
Read 6 tweets

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