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May 31st 2020
The Spanish Flu pandemic passed through three waves from spring 1918 to early summer 1919. Comparisons have been made between it and #Covid19. But few know what happened in the United States as the pandemic faded in early-to-mid 1919. #historyrhymes 1/12
Let’s set the stage. In 1915, one year after the start of World War I, D.W. Griffith released Birth of a Nation, which tells the story of how southern whites founded the Ku Klux Klan and took their country back after the Civil War. #historyrhymes 2/12
One of the triumphant last scenes depicts the mounted Klansmen in pitched battle successfully preventing blacks from voting. #historyrhymes at the 3-hour mark. (Notice the white actors in blackface) 3/12
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