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Jul 28th 2022
Costs of existing houses & apartments for purchase in Dublin are extortionate.

What is equally incredible is the amount of work many of these potential homes need.

Sure, many are liveable & have good locations, however most will require new owners to sink extra €€€.

Take this B3 BER rated home in Harold’s Cross advertised at €695,000 for example:

The cost per sqm for this house is over €5,000. If you were to consider renovating this house for a conservative figure of say €800/sqm, you’ll need an extra €100k.

Let’s see Phibsboro:
€350,000 for 65sqm, E1 BER (€5300 per sqm)

Same deal: upgrade windows,replace floors, new kitchen, bathroom, paint, at a dubiously low figure of €800 and we’re looking at a property that will send you well over €400k.

Read 22 tweets
Mar 31st 2022

We're launching 'Banking on Property' now at a live event featuring @TulipSiddiq @kevinhollinrake @isha_zen @L__Macfarlane and @franboait.

We'll be live tweeting. Join the conversation using #HomesNotAssets.
@TulipSiddiq @kevinhollinrake @isha_zen @L__Macfarlane @franboait 1/ @franboait opens the panel discussion: today we’ve heard that this month UK house prices grew at the fastest annual pace since 2004.

Right here in London we’ve seen property acting like a bank account for oligarchs.
2/ @L__Macfarlane: we often hear that the housing affordability crisis is down to a lack of supply. Our report shows that isn't true - although there is a lack of genuinely affordable housing.

Prices have been driven up by policies that have incentivised investment in property.
Read 26 tweets
Mar 31st 2022
⚡️ NEW ⚡️

We all know the UK housing system is broken and prices are too high. Which must mean there aren’t enough homes to go round, right?

Wrong. Here’s what’s really going on.

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2/ Today, you can earn more money by owning a house than by working.

That’s because for decades, policies by governments and central banks have turned our homes into vehicles for accumulating wealth, by making house prices go up much faster than wages.
3/ Over the last 50 years, housing policy has shifted dramatically.

We've seen tax cuts, the scrapping of rent controls, the sell-off of social housing through ‘Right to Buy’ & changes to housing benefits.

Property has been transformed into a more & more profitable investment.
Read 10 tweets

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