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Sep 14th 2022
Dear @MS_Maree1

Here's that foolhardy thread of mine, once again, as a #PDF_File…

Also I said:

"A sin for while I should be truly punished"

When I meant:

"A sin for which I should be truly punished"

That's another sin, for which I should be punished!

Where I said "On the plus side", I very nearly wrote, "Onon the plus side".

I nearly named the very #BiblicalCharacter who #SpilledHisSeed, rather than make a certain woman pregnant.

He gave his name to a practice, to which I'm thoroughly devoted!

@MS_Maree1 And (in days of old) people used to say that #Onanism should be punished. In my case, it probably will be. Indulging in this practice puts me in danger of serious punishment, since I'm such a Jaded Bastard, only by putting myself in this position can I get myself off!
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