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Mar 10th 2022
@verge 调查称 孙宇晨@sunyuchentron 涉嫌 #内幕交易 等罪名,孙宇晨回应称其为 #诽谤…
2021年12月份,波场基金会 @tronfoundation 宣布将于明年解散,孙宇晨@sunyuchentron已被格林纳达委任为常驻 @wto 大使…
#孙宇晨 想用大使身份逃掉法律的制裁
#孙宇晨 是有钱,但余生会像个国际 #流浪汉 一样生活
@HooExchange 虎符交易所的CEO 王瑞锡像个国际 #流浪汉 各国漂流般的生活了
Read 19 tweets
Jul 28th 2018
@SarahRubyWrites @jokowi In theory, Indonesia is responsible.
(#IDG=Indo immigration dept)
However, Indonesia is the 3rd country, with #Manus & #Nauru, that Australia pays to use refugees as 'rocks to block the sea'.
Aus pays #IOM to run refugee community housing & 13 detention centres in #Indonesia.
@SarahRubyWrites @jokowi #UNHCR Indonesia received less & less funding, none this year, to process refugees in Indonesia for resettlement.
Australia took this 'humanitarian aid' & gave it to #IOM to detain refugees to force voluntary returns.
Now IOM had funding cut, new refugees sleeping in streets.
@SarahRubyWrites @jokowi So big backlog of asylum seekers awaiting UNHCR processing due to no funds.
No new admissions to #IOM or even detention in Indonesia since April 2018.
Refugees queue to get IN to detention, live in streets outside IDC's. No money, no accommodation, live on handouts.
Read 6 tweets

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