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Mar 23rd 2023
@IntlCrimCourt Broke?! Hobbyist level #Zaporizhzhia #FalseFlag. The cameraman was waiting for explosions that came from #inside the apartments to the #outside. He dared to go and take close-up pictures because he knew that no more #explosives had been #planted.
@IntlCrimCourt @KarimAAKhanKC This is just the appetizer from 'Thread 62'⬇️ mentioned:
#Ukrainian #fascists hold a party at #Kyiv's "BarHot" organized by #cartoonist Anton #Chadsky, eat a cake depicting a #Russian #baby
@IntlCrimCourt @KarimKhanQC
FROM: @amanpour “What is #Russia afraid of? #Democracy expanding,” says #Estonia’s Prime Minister @kajakallas | Mar 14
TO: #NATO #Stoltenberg On Air, Let's Count The [A]s | Mar 14, 2023.
Read 50 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
#Biden in #Kyiv: Why didn't Russia strike a decapitating blow? | Yesterday, 19:59
- Contrary to previous statements, the main overlord of the Kyiv regime, Joe Biden, came to Kyiv on a visit.…
#Biden Speech LIVE: US President Lands In War-Zone Ukraine | Zelenskyy, Biden Walk Together In #Kyiv
Thread | 20 tweets
#US planned the #war and the #EnergyCrisis in #Europe | Sep 13
#Pressure Mysteriously Plunges in #NordStream1&2 | Sep 27, 2023
#Poroshenko #Minsk was merely a distraction intended to buy #time for #Kiev to #rebuild its #military | Jun 17
Read 38 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
1/3 Reading a #UNHCR report on the practical implementation of the #EU's Temporary Protection Directive for refugees from #Ukraine. One point: Ironically the TPD application shows in how many ways EU states could (if only they so wished) do so much better by ALL refugees, incl...
2/3 ... those not privileged by the TPD, that is those still going through the ordinary procedures of asylum-seeking. To put it bluntly: the TPD has established a two-class system of refugee treatment, where the currency qualifying you for 1st-class treatment is the media and...
3/3 ...geopol. oomph of your country's plight. The sorting has nothing to do with you as an individual, the merits, or needs of your individual case.
Even more ironically, the thing that the TPD really protects you from is being treated to the 2nd-class refugee system of the EU.
Read 3 tweets
Oct 28th 2022
As the people of Kashmir continue to bleed & slide deeper into abject poverty,their rulers in #AJK use those very miserable people as their justification to spend 100s of millions of taxpayers’ money to sustain their
own personal lifestyle @ the level of high luxury.
Within 16 months, AJK government purchased 164 luxury cars worth Rs. 870 million for its administrative and political elite in utter violation of rules.
Thanks to Pakistan's ruling classes for forcing thieves, freebooters and plunderers on the people of Kashmir
Read 22 tweets
Aug 15th 2022
Maria’s body has now been buried on the islet in the #Evros. She was killed not by a scorpion sting, but by Greek and EU border enforcement. Some initial (and unfinished) reflections on this horrible case and its wider significance. 1/9
Greek #pushbacks have clearly become systematic in the regions of the #Evros and the #Aegean. The group on the islet is among tens of thousands who have experienced these cruel practices over the past years, which include acts of abduction, torture and killing. 2/9
Despite overwhelming evidence of #pushbacks & #Frontex involvement, the EU Commission is largely silent. Unsurprising: von der Leyen even encouraged Greece to be Europe’s anti-migrant ‘shield’. Compared to the previous Commission, the current one clearly shifted to the right. 3/9
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Aug 7th 2022


🚨 Türkiye'nin Afrika'daki başarısı, tıpkı domino taşları gibi başlangıç noktası olan Somali'nin güvenliğine bağlı. Batı, şimdi tam da bu ilk dominoyu dinamitliyor.

👇 Aşağıdaki dizide yaşananları özetledim
#SONDAKIKA #Somali #Somalia #Afrika #Turkiye #Analiz #Turkey

#1) Önce hatırlayalım, 2011 yılında üst üste kurak geçen yağmur sezonları Somali'de son dönemin en kötü açlık krizini yaratmış ve 250.000 kişinin açlıktan ölmesine sebep olmuştu.
#SONDAKIKA #Somali #Turkiye

#2) 2011'deki kıtlığın ardından, Somali tam tüm dünya tarafından kaderine terk edilmiş durumdayken CB. Erdoğan Somali'ye gitti.

Düşünün, Somali'yi 20 yıl (yirmi yıl!) sonra ziyaret eden İLK yabancı devlet başkanı oldu. O kadar unutulmuştu ülke.
Read 26 tweets
Mar 22nd 2022
En Égypte :
- #Inflation des denrées alimentaires est autour de 20%
- la devise nationale a dégringolé en un jour de 17% par rapport au dollar

La question n'est plus de savoir si des troubles sociaux vont déstabiliser les pays périphériques, mais plutôt qui sera le premier...
Un article du @Le_Figaro sur l'#inflation en Égypte.
Selon le Ministre des finances égyptien :
« Avant la crise en Ukraine, on achetait une tonne de blé à 226 euros, elle coûte maintenant 363 euros ».…
Comme en Tunisie, l'austérité imposée par le #FMI sur les denrées essentielles a empiré la situation.

Les pays périphériques qui s'endettent auprès du FMI ne sont plus souverains puisque l'institution de Washington impose sa propre feuille de route économique aux États endettés.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 7th 2022
#ICJ Prelim Measures hearing #Ukraine v #Russia #Genocide Convention begins. Camera lingers on the Russia table, which is notably empty... #intlaw
#ICJ Pres makes clear RF was immediately notifed of the filings, & RF ambassador to NL has indicated RF will not participate in the proceedings.
#Ukraine has chosen ad hoc judge Prof Yves Daudet.
Read 38 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
"most Ukrainians will want to stay in Ukraine, but if they leave they’ll want to be as close to their home country as possible in order to be able to come back in the future."
what a pile of cynical nonsense from @DominicRaab…
1 - the EU is 4,422,773 km2, the distance between Kyiv and London is 2400 km, Kyiv to Madrid is 3700km
2- has @DominicRaab heard about Easyjet, Wizz, Ryanair? It is faster and cheaper to travel to London than many cities in neighbouring countries by train/car
3- if I was working in the UK and my elderly parents were in Ukraine now, all I would want is for them to join me in the safety of my home, NOT for them to stay in a refugee camp alone somewhere near the border of Ukraine
#RefugeesWelcome #UkraineUnderAttack #PritiPatel
Read 13 tweets
Feb 25th 2022
I’d love to be just glad about all the help for refugees from #Ukraine all over Europe right now but I just can’t. Being involved in the movement against border violence since 2015, I am watching this and I want to scream. A thread. 1/6
In 2015 I witnessed how teargas was shot on people fleeing the war in Syria in #Idomeni. I saw fascist groups “protecting” the borders in Poland and other countries of the Balkans. 2/6
Alan Kurdi has been only one of thousands who drowned and for a second it seems like civil society cared. But instead of opening the borders and create a safe passage to Europe, #Frontex got their budget increased and the EU Turkey Deal got implemented. 3/6
Read 28 tweets
Feb 11th 2022
🏳❗🇦🇫 9 #foreigners including former #BBC journo #AndrewNorth & owner of #Gandamack Lodge in #Kabul and cameraman of #Osama Bin Laden's interview #PeterJouvenal kidnapped by the #Taliban, claims former VP @AmrullahSaleh2. ImageImage
🇺🇳❗️🏳️ #UNHCR confirms that it's journalists have been detained in #Kabul.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (@Refugees) said two #journalists who worked for it were detained in #Afghanistan.
“In #Kabul, two journalists were detained who were on assignment from the #UNHCR, and #Afghan citizens who worked with them. We are doing everything we can to resolve the situation,” the statement said.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 24th 2021
Was beinhaltet der neue Koalitionsvertrag im Themenkomplex "Integration, Migration und Flucht" und wie lassen sich die Veränderungen bewerten? Ein Thread (1/x) #Migration #Flucht #Koalitionsvertrag
Im Aufenthaltsgesetz soll es minimale zeitliche Verkürzungen um ein Jahr auf dem Weg zu einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis geben. Nach §25a und §25b können gut integrierte Jugendliche und Erwachsene eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis nach der Erfüllung bestimmter Bedingungen erhalten. (2/x)
Das ist jetzt jeweils ein Jahr früher möglich. Weitergehend soll ein "Aufenthaltstitel auf Probe" eingeführt und mehr Sicherheit für Menschen mit Aufenthaltserlaubnis in Ausbildungen erreicht werden. Identitätsklärungen sollen mittels Eidesstaatlicher Erklärung ermöglicht (3/x)
Read 28 tweets
Apr 24th 2021
[VIDEO THREAD] Harrowing first hand video testimony from #UNHCR Camp in Hitsats. Part 1/6 #EritreaPrevails
Part 2/6 [Video THREAD] Harrowing first hand testimony from #UNHCR #Eritrean refugee camp in Hitsats. #EritreaPrevails
Part 3/6 [Video THREAD] Harrowing first hand testimony from #UNHCR #Eritrean refugee camp in Hitsats. #EritreaPrevails
Read 6 tweets
Feb 16th 2021
Abbiamo appurato che ci vuole mooolta fantasia per essere garantisti sul caso del #respingimentosegreto del 2 luglio 2018.

(Thread semi-comico)
Siamo i soliti complottisti: scopriamo un respingimento segreto e subito pensiamo che dietro ci siano i militari italiani. E subito pensiamo che il Governo e le organizzazioni dell'ONU vogliano occultarlo.
Va bene che abbiamo le prove, ma magari c'è un'altra spiegazione...
La nave italiana #CaioDuilio magari passava di là per caso, senza sapere nulla, e si è fermata per una gomma a terra.
"Guarda, dei #migranti!"
"Noo, saranno libici"
"Ok, già che ci siamo, diamo ordini alla #AssoVentinove per riportarli subito a casa, che si perdono la partita".
Read 11 tweets
Feb 14th 2021
Quando mai #IOM ha denunciato il respingimento segreto? E a chi?
Vorrei tanto saperlo.
È vorrei anche sapere:
- Se è vero che conosce i nomi delle vittime di Asso Ventotto e Ventinove
- Perché non ha MAI risposto alle pec dei loro avvocati
TUTTE le vittime del #respingimentosegreto hanno testimoniato che al momento dello sbarco, #IOM ha preso i loro nomi.
Ma quando i loro avvocati hanno fatto regolare accesso legale ai documenti di IOM... non hanno ricevuto risposta.
"#IOM e #UNHCR hanno tracciato e conosciuto la storia di queste persone” denuncia Giulia Crescini di ASGI “ma poi hanno coperto e affiancato l'attività delle autorità italiane. Sul molo,durante lo sbarco a Tripoli, IOM non solo era presente, ma addirittura identificò i respinti".
Read 4 tweets
Jan 5th 2021
A 16-year-old Somali boy #died yesterday of TB and starvation in the desperate area of Gergarish in #Tripoli & his 14-year-old friend in this video is still there in the derelict building,unable to stand or walk from how #sick,starving & weak he is.Other refugees who found them..
..called @UNHCRLibya, @IOM_Libya,MSF & IRC but say that they were told by most agencies that ‘it’s not their responsibility’ to help the sick boy still alive,that it would be #UNHCR responsibility as they were both registered as asylum seekers,but nothing has happened so far..
..hours later IRC came with some officers to remove the dead body,but refused to take care of the sick boy and take him to hospital.The 14-year-old sick Somali boy doesnt have money for food,taxi fares to the hospital,medication or hospital treatment fees.He needs urgent help..
Read 7 tweets
Nov 30th 2020
According to this official document of #UNHCR, 45% of the refugees in #Sudan are children (0 - 17 years). But PM

told parliment that "No women, no children among refugees in Sudan".
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Aug 19th 2020
#Abdulwahab era uno scrittore, come me. Ma nato in Darfur.
Voleva vivere in un posto privo di guerre. Come vorremmo tutti.
Ieri è morto, nel Mediterraneo. Cercando di raggiungere un luogo dove poter scrivere in pace. Dove poter vivere in pace.
Assieme ad #Abdulwahab sono morte altre 44 persone.
5 erano #bambini. Nati sotto una guerra e morti sotto una guerra.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 22nd 2020
A group of +100 migrants unlawfully #deported back to #Libya have been taken to #Al-Khums/Souq-Al Khamis) “official” #detention centre today.They are locked in the dark hangar in the extreme heat without food & water.Some tried to escape but were caught & horribly #tortured 1/👇🏽
They were horribly #tortured by the Libyan guards of the centre with metal bars,had their arms and legs broken.They are hurt & bleeding from their heads and bodies but nobody can help.6 #women &
children among the #deportees.Main nationalities Sudan, Mali,Nigeria,Bangladesh..2/👇🏽
#IOM brings hygiene kits but every time the centre boss/manager uploads all the kits in his truck & takes them away.#UNHCR has not accessed the centre in months.#Torture,abuse & #starvation are daily occurrence.Commissioned & funded by #CriminalEurope #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya
Read 3 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
C'è Cris su questa barca. Lo conoscete, ha 16 anni ed è un anno che ve ne racconto la storia. È il mio fratellino e potrebbe morire.
Con lui ci sono altri 20 minori eritrei. Una barca di bambini in fuga dall'orrore.
Diffondete i nostri appelli, vi prego.
#Malta percepisce un mucchio di soldi per gestire una SAR enorme. Ma poi lascia affogare bambini con diritto di asilo in Europa.
Vi sembra normale?
Perché il Governo italiano le ha ceduto la sua zona SAR?
Tempo fa, Cris mi scrisse questo.
Cercavo di non farlo salire su una maledetta barca. Ci riuscii.
Ieri invece ci è salito, senza avvisarmi.
Adesso la possibilità che muoia mi distrugge.
Read 14 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
🆘 ~65 persone in pericolo nella SAR maltese! Una barca con ~65 persone in fuga dall’inferno e torture della #Libia ha chiamato #AlarmPhone stamattina. Sono nella zona di #Malta e il motore non funziona. Dicono che una donna sia svenuta e hanno bisogno di soccorso urgente!
Abbiamo allertato le autorità ma #Malta non risponde al telefono. Le persone sono in mare da + di 24 ore. @Armed_Forces_Malta è tuo dovere soccorrerle al più presto e portarle in Europa! Una barca di legno può capovolgersi in ogni momento e i ritardi costano la vita delle persone
Le persone a bordo sono nel panico! Dicono di stare imbarcando acqua. Nella zona le onde raggiungono i 2 metri e c'è forte vento. Il soccorso non deve essere ritardato ma #Malta non sta rispondendo alle chiamate di soccorso.
#DontLetThemDrown #BlackLivesMatter
Read 12 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
🆘 ~65 people in distress in Malta SAR! A boat with ~65 people escaping the Libyan hell & torture camps called #AlarmPhone this morning. They are in #Malta Search & Rescue zone & their engine is not working. They said a woman has fainted & they all need urgent rescue! Image
We alerted authorities but #Malta is not answering the phone. The people have been at sea for more than 24 hours. @Armed_Forces_MT it‘s your duty to rescue them as quickly as possible & to bring them to Europe! A wooden boat can capsize at any moment & delays risk people’s lives.
The people on board are panicking! They said that water is entering the boat. In the area waves are up to 2 metres high and there are strong winds. Rescue should not be delayed, but #Malta is still not responding to the distress calls. #DontLetThemDrown #BlackLivesMatter
Read 12 tweets

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