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Dec 15th 2019
Sounds like the new German #OpenSkiesTreaty plane has terrified the NSC, and while they're incapable of understanding what intelligence might be given up, they're sure whatever it is will be bad, and they don't want anything to do with it.

Sounds like anxiety; see a doctor.
"infra-red .. may also be used during overflights with minimum ground resolution values of 50 cm .. for the resulting images."

Open Skies: Aerial Observation to Help Prevent Conflicts Between Countries
Gordon Petrie, University of Glasgow (2007)…
No #OpenSkiesTreaty sensor configurations presently certify the use of IR, but Turkey had previously been using "the old Honeywell AN-AA5 infra-red line scanner"
I'm not sure what the history is there, but they are no longer/haven't been using it lately.

#IRLS #OpenSkiesTreaty
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