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May 8th 2020
Yes. #RunningwhileBlack should not be a death sentence. Maybe it’s a good moment to share some insight into being black and male. I haven’t run alone for years out of this concern; but there are other things black men do to decrease their chances of being killed 1/
One night I was on call in the ICU and had to come in for a dire emergency. I hopped in my car and started to floor it. But then realized I was a black man, alone in a speeding car, late at night. It’s a setup for badness. I slowed down for my safety. 2/
Also speaking of cars, this is a “don’t shoot me” sticker. Every car I’ve ever owned has had some sort of sticker like this. It’s not a desire to advertise my cred, but an effort to assign me #human value when it may not be assumed if I’m pulled over. 3/
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May 7th 2020
THREAD: Every.single.time. The excuses pour in – “he looked suspicious”… “we thought he was committing a crime”…The fact remains, #AhmaudArbery was hunted down from a pickup truck and murdered in cold blood. My heart breaks for his family, and justice must be served.
#IRunWithAhmaud, just as every person of color should be able to go for a jog or out to the store without fear. Congress can do our part - starting with finally fully passing anti-lynching legislation. However, as a nation, we have to admit some hard truths.
#AhmaudArbery is far from the first person of color to meet this fate. But his life, or James Byrd’s, or Emmett Till’s, can’t be forgotten. The only way we can stop this is together, as one American family. It’s too late for Ahmaud; let’s ensure his memory powers a better future.
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