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Apr 25th 2023
1/6 What could $22 million going towards free tuition for 480 police recruits a year go towards that would actually enhance community well-being and safety? Here are a few ideas #IfWeHad22MillionDollars per year...
2A/6 #IfWeHad22MillionDollars - INVESTING IN YOUTH

@fordnation could provide 22,000 kids with a breakfast and snack program, allowing them to concentrate & learn better, diminish behavioural issues + help stop the school detention to suspension to expulsion to prison pipeline.
2B/6 For that money @fordnation could fund enrolment for 11,000 youth in a mentoring program per year at a cost of $2,000 per kid.

For that money the Ford govt could fund enrolment for 22,000 youth in a six-week leadership training course at a cost of $1,000 each.
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