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Nov 25th 2021
📌 #Dividends in favor of budgets of all levels of Russia, based on forecast of financial results in 2021, in RUB bn:

1. #Gazprom 593 $GAZP $OGZD $OGZPY
2. #Sberbank 299 $SBER $SBRCY
3. #Rosneft 210 $ROSN $RNFTF
4. #VTB 120 $VTBR

5. #Alrosa 86 (43 to federal budget and 43 to budget of Yakutia) $ALRS
6. #Transneft 68 $TRNFP
7. #Tatneft 34 (to budget of Tatarstan) $TATN $ATAD $OAOFY
8. #Rosseti 22 $RSTI
9. #RusHydro 19 $HYDR
10. #Rostelecom 8 (to federal budget and VEB) $RTKM
11. #InterRAO 6 $IRAO

12. #MoscowExchange 5 (in Central Bank and VEB) $MOEX
13. #Bashneft 5 (to budget of Bashkiria) $BANE
14. #NCSP 2.4 (to budget of Russia, excluding Transneft and Russian Railways) $NMTP $NCSP
15. #MosEnergo 1.5 (to Moscow budget) $MSNG
16. #Aeroflot 0 $AFLT

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