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Die #FDP reitet mal wieder ein totes Pferd.
Man trauert #KKW nach, mit denen man gute Geschäfte mit Russland oder russischen Zwischenhändlern machen konnte?
Warum will die #FDP den teuersten Strom, der den Ausbau der Erneuerbaren behindert und bei Dürre nicht zur Verfügung steht?… ImageImage
Frankreich musste die KKW sogar verstaatlichen, weil der Betreiber überhaupt nicht mehr aus den Schulden raus kam. ImageImage
Und ich erinnere daran:
Die Kernkraftwerke Frankreichs haben das EU-Netzsystem 2022 an eine Belastungsprobe gebracht, weil sie ständig langfristig ausgefallen waren und die halbe EU Frankreich mit Strom versorgen musste.

Das Versagen der #KKW hat die Inflation angeheizt! ImageImage
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🇫🇷🇷🇺 "Les Anglais et les Américains sont de grands spécialistes de l’ingérence."

Retour sur l'audition de @FrancoisFillon, le 02/05, devant la commission d’enquête relative aux ingérences politiques, économiques et financières de puissances étrangères.

THREAD #Rillettes ⬇️ Image
🇫🇷 "Jamais, durant quelque 36 années de vie publique, on n’a trouvé une seule action de ma part qui ait été influencée par une puissance étrangère. J’ai toujours défendu l’intérêt national, tel que je le conçois, et cette attitude n’a pas changé." #ingérence
🇫🇷🇷🇺 "J'ai des convictions. Elles n’ont pas varié, notamment sur la question des relations entre la France et la #Russie. On pourrait les qualifier de "gaullistes" si cela ne risquait de faire ricaner." #Fillon
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I.Les questions des approvisionnements en pétrole, des sanctions contre la #Russie, et celles des évolutions actuelles de la position de l’#OPEP méritent un petit #Thread que voici
II.L’agence internationale de l’énergie (AIE/IEA) prévoit une baisse de 18% dans la production de pétrole en #Russie du fait des sanctions. Mais, la #Russie est en train de trouver de nouveaux clients.
III.L’Inde en particulier apparait comme un client exigeant mais prometteur pour la #Russie. Un nouvel accord de livraison vient d’être conclu avec #Rosneft…
Read 15 tweets
🧵 [1] JUST OUT: The 2nd report I’ve coauthored with the recently-formed International Working Group on Russia Sanctions, coordinated by @FSIStanford @McFaul outlining urgent comprehensive energy embargoes & sanctions on Putin’s regime.

[2] 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇺🇦Working Group is comprised of a stellar lineup of Transatlantic security experts that coauthored this report, including: @Nataliia_Shapo, @AmbDanFried, @maria_shagina, @edwardfishman, @RichardMNephew, @FukuyamaFrancis, @kath_stoner, @steven_pifer, @OlgaBielkova & more!
[3] For our second report, we have focused on a comprehensive set of “smart embargoes”, sanctions, and policy measures to rapidly limit the ability of the #Kremlin to raise further state revenues via energy sales abroad to the greatest extent possible.
Read 15 tweets
1/ Dear all, many among you have asked me about my opinion on #oil, #logistics, #pipelines, price movements and a reality check on the #german #embargo plans. So I decided to make another explanatory thread. Grab a beer, this may take a while to read.
2/ It has often been said that oil is a global #commodity that travels on the seas. That view is not wrong, but incomplete. In fact, much oil is shipped by pipelines, on all continents. For an imcomplete but illustrative overview, see…
3/ Most pipelines either distribute incoming seaborne supplies to inland consumers (e.g., refineries), or they route domestically produced oil to seaports where it is loaded on #tankers.
Read 25 tweets
[1]JUST OUT: Report that I’ve coauthored with the recently-formed International Working Group on Russia Sanctions, coordinated by @FSIStanford @McFaul outlining an urgent comprehensive sanctions package on the Putin regime.

👇Highlights below👇…
[2] 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇺🇦The Working Group is comprised of a stellar lineup of experts that coauthored this report, including: @AmbDanFried, @maria_shagina, @edwardfishman, @FukuyamaFrancis, @kath_stoner, @steven_pifer, @fromTGA & many more!
[3] The Group placed an outsized focus on measures that will rapidly & drastically reduce the Kremlin’s ability to continue its criminal war of aggression against Ukraine - targeting Russian hydrocarbon export & banking sector, as well as tightening critical tech export controls.
Read 20 tweets
#OperaciónEspecial: todo va según lo planeado que sorprenderá al mundo

Durante los últimos seis meses, el Instituto #RUSSTRAT ha predicho con precisión los principales eventos reales y su lógica interna de desarrollo.
Por lo tanto, en el informe de noviembre "#Rusia se ha centrado: el país y el mundo en vísperas de grandes cambios" se afirmó directamente: en el próximo año y medio, #Rusia ajustará significativamente la alineación planetaria de fuerzas.
El desarrollo actual de la situación en el informe se definió como probable, pero en menor medida. Además del hecho de que la operación militar se llevará a cabo con la introducción de tropas solo a lo largo de las fronteras administrativas
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BKA ermittelt wegen Datenraubs bei Rosneft Deutschland

"Die Aktivisten betonten auf Anfrage, dass keine kritische Infrastruktur in Gefahr gewesen sei. Auch seien keine Steuerungsfunktionen in Mitleidenschaft gezogen worden."

#KRITIS wird zum Spielball 😔…
"Hacker des #Anonymous-Kollektivs haben die deutsche Tochter des russischen Mineralölkonzerns #Rosneft angegriffen und offenbar Daten erbeutet. Nun ermittelt nach SPIEGEL-Informationen das #BKA."
"Angriff sei weitaus riskanter gewesen als..DDoS-Attacken..Bei Rosneft seien die Angreifer tief in die Systeme eingedrungen und hätten im schlimmsten Fall die Steuerungsfunktionen zum Absturz bringen können..."

Ist sowas noch im Sinne vom ethischen Hacking? 😕

#Ethik #Hacking
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New #Ukraine 🇺🇦 #Russia 🇷🇺 Thread 🧵

Category: Cost of war 🪙

1) The @moscow_exchange website is still down & the Russian stock exchange remains closed. The Central Bank orders export led businesses to sell 80% of foreign currencies & bans foreigners from selling Russian securities to try and keep ruble afloat.

#PriceofPutin Image
2) Roman #Abramovich is looking for around 4 billion dollars as he looks to offload #Chelsea ⚽️…

Read 38 tweets
La #invasión de #Ucrania nubla las perspectivas de crecimiento y, en el peor escenario, podría llevar a una recesión. Sus ramificaciones económicas podrían agrietar la #economía global. Aquí, los 7 grandes riesgos. ⬇️#Expansioncom
1⃣Dependencia energética
▶️El 47% del #gas que consume la #UE, y el 25% del #petróleo, vienen de #Rusia.
▶️La UE busca reducir esa dependencia.
▶️Europa se expone a un posible desabastecimiento energético y a una subida de los precios.
2⃣Nube tóxica de #inflación
▶️El alza de #precios #energéticos tendría efectos inflacionistas inmediatos.
▶️Sería un gran lastre para el crecimiento mundial.
▶️El encarecimiento también repercutiría en los precios de #alimentos y #metales.
Read 23 tweets
Nicht nur die Börsen in #Russland crashen, auch internationale Investoren ziehen in großem Stil Geld ab. Der staatliche Investmentfonds #Norwegen's trennt sich von allen Wertpapieren des Landes. /MS
Der Energiekonzern #bp aus #Großbritannien verkauft seine fast 20% an #Rosneft - und rechnet mit bis zu 25 Mrd. $ an Abschreibungen. /MS…
#Shell stößt seine Beteiligung an diversen Projekten mit #Gazprom ab. Hier stehen 3 Mrd. US-$ auf der Risikoliste. /MS
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📌 #Dividends in favor of budgets of all levels of Russia, based on forecast of financial results in 2021, in RUB bn:

1. #Gazprom 593 $GAZP $OGZD $OGZPY
2. #Sberbank 299 $SBER $SBRCY
3. #Rosneft 210 $ROSN $RNFTF
4. #VTB 120 $VTBR

5. #Alrosa 86 (43 to federal budget and 43 to budget of Yakutia) $ALRS
6. #Transneft 68 $TRNFP
7. #Tatneft 34 (to budget of Tatarstan) $TATN $ATAD $OAOFY
8. #Rosseti 22 $RSTI
9. #RusHydro 19 $HYDR
10. #Rostelecom 8 (to federal budget and VEB) $RTKM
11. #InterRAO 6 $IRAO

12. #MoscowExchange 5 (in Central Bank and VEB) $MOEX
13. #Bashneft 5 (to budget of Bashkiria) $BANE
14. #NCSP 2.4 (to budget of Russia, excluding Transneft and Russian Railways) $NMTP $NCSP
15. #MosEnergo 1.5 (to Moscow budget) $MSNG
16. #Aeroflot 0 $AFLT

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💸 Is hyperinflation a reality? How to protect yourself?

Money may well depreciate at times. This has already happened before, even in developed countries. #Inflation in developed world is accelerating, and the authorities are carried away by populism. Image
• In the #US, inflation has already accelerated to 6.2%
• In #Germany, it reached a 28-year high of 4.5%.

Authorities of developed countries put above #inflation problems of #SocialJustice in labor market (employment in all minority groups is important) and #climate warming. Image
Populist views are capturing the minds of monetary authorities, which only fuels #inflation. This was the case in the #USA in the 1970s: prices almost tripled.
And sometimes it was much worse: in Israel in the 1980s, prices for goods jumped ~10,000 times. Image
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The suspect is alleged to have been part of the so-called “Troika Laundromat” - a money laundering network linked to the former Russian investment bank Troika Dialog, which maintained a network of offshore companies with accounts in Baltic banks.…
The Troika Laundromat enabled the flow of US$ 4.6 billion into the system and directed the flow of $4.8 billion out. Among the counterparties on these transactions were major Western banks such as Citigroup Inc., Raiffeisen, and Deutsche Bank.…
These Are the Banks Caught Up in the Russia Money-Laundering Scandal

Danske Bank
Nordea Bank
ING Groep NV
Credit Agricole
Deutsche Bank
 KBC Group Ukio Bankas
Raiffeisen Bank
ABN Amro Group
Cooperatieve Rabobank
Turkiye Garanti Bankasi…
Read 40 tweets
Just a reminder that when I first got the inside tip about the info am about to publish on #Lebanon's FSRU bids & the scandals attached to it the former cabinet was still in power
I had given the tip to an international newswire but the reporter was too lazy to write it, so I did
Wasted Energy

The Lebanese government may find itself in hot waters as one bid by a #Qatar-led energy consortium for a multi-billion dollars #gas-related project, included a legal slip enabling the latter to solely change its price after being awarded the contract.
The contract to build the country’s multiple Floating Storage and Re-gasification Units (FSRUs), as well as its Liquified Natural #Gas ( #LNG) pipelines, is yet to be awarded.
Once set, the project will supply Lebanon’s power plants with gas, and give Lebanon the capacity
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1/x In an effort to understand the #OilPriceWar I dug a bit. Here is what I found & another resource thread for any students that are not in school & would like to learn a bit on #markets. #ResourceThread

A. It. began with the #Corvid19 = ⬇️ demand.…
2/x The #Corvid19 -> ⬇️ Dem. to level this ⬇️prod.

B. V. much like the rhyme there was an old woman who swallowed a fly, shell, and a host of other holiday spin offs, the⬇️ demand, would have resulted in a price crash. See #oilprice metrics.…
3/x #Oilprice is complex, here is a site that show some price charts that may be of interest. Here you can create your own dashboard.…
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Theoretically, any third party

In practice, it remains to be seen how many third parties will have available gas at Greifswald entry-point to pump into #OPAL pipeline. Pertinent to mention that OPAL's underutilised capacity was the core argument that Gazprom put forward when 1/
it fought to be allowed to use more than 50% of OPAL capacity > because there's a track of consistent underutilization of the pipeline, aka of the other 50% capacity that had not been previously exempted.

If the ECJ ruling would stay as such, and if BNetzA wouldn't intervene 2/
to offset the ECJ decision by providing another exemption, as some suggest (but that has to be subject of Commission's scrutiny too), then we might witness significant underutilization of OPAL capacity

Unless Russia goes for a breakthrough & it'd allow to other companies than 3/
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💰Qatar Blockade Timeline

Let’s revisit the events that occurred in the run up to the embargo levied against Qatar.

May 20, 2017: Trump arrives in Saudi Arabia in his first foreign trip…
Circa May 20 or 21st, 2017

Bannon & Kush’s Secret Meeting w/ Saudi & UAE leaders sans Tillerson
How it started

On 5/23/17, hackers posted false stmts attributed to Qatar's emir on the Qatari state news agency's website.

The fake remarks, praising Iran & criticising US foreign policy, were picked up & aired on several UAE & Saudi-owned TV networks.…
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Mueller & SDNY are probing a Jan'17 event involving @DevinNunes, Misha Flynn, and "dozens" of foreign officials, as part of an investigation into whether Trump's inaugural committee misspent funds & if donors tried to BUY INFLUENCE.

Team🇺🇸Mueller is also probing the event as part of its investigation into whether foreigners contributed money to the Trump inaugural fund and PAC by using American intermediaries ("straw donors")👉🏼#felony.

Flynn, who is FULLY cooperating, has been questioned about the event.😎
🔥Country officials invited to the breakfast included some familiar places:

Saudi Arabia (bankroll Trump/Kush)
UAE (involved in #Seychelles meet)
Israel (PsyOp)
#Qatar (#Rosneft spinout, bailed out Kush's 666)

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1. At risk of being one of many to wrongly predict what Mueller is up to, I make this observations based on circumstantial evidence in public record to report that I think something big is coming. First, past four days Trump is shuttered in the White House with just a cell phone.
2. Second, the #SCOTUS CJ Roberts ordered (we presume Mueller's Govt team) to respond to the secret Grand Jury case stay he granted by Dec. 31 at noon. They did it three days early. I think this case may be the Rosneft bribe reported in the Steele dossier. Trump knows if it is. Docket excerpt from Grand Jury case in SCOTUSExcerpt of Steele dossier
3. Finally, case I'm watching at SCOTUS that I think may remove Whitaker as AAG is teed up to discuss in conference on January 11. I have reported extensively on this including detailed analysis of legislative history. IMO #SCOTUS must declare Whitaker to be former DOJ employee. Whitaker cert petition motion to declare not AG case docket.
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🔥Right after the 2016 election, Papadopoulos allegedly told a confidant he was “doing a business deal w/#Russians🇷🇺which would result in *large financial gains* for himself and Mr. Trump.”

The #Rosneft spinout was less than a month after the election.🤔…
The #SteeleDossier said Team🇷🇺Trump would receive a brokerage fee for the #Rosneft spinout and even accurately predicted a spinout of ~19%.🤨

The Rosneft deal closed a few weeks after the 2016 election, right when PapaD allegedly boasted of his deal.🙄

The #Rosneft spinout is central to #TrumpRussia🇷🇺as this generated the cash and enabled laundering of cash to Team🇷🇺Trump, including via #QIA, the Qatari investment group.

Misha Flynn (Trump’s Ambassador of #Treason) and Kushner played key roles.🤨

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Really happy to see this from @SethAbramson . I investigated a Qatar--Rosneft part of it for a year and a half and yes, it is all supported by docs in public domain.
Here is Trump--Rosenft--Qatar part from my research.
#Rosneft #Qatar #SaudiArabia #UAE #Trump from @SethAbramson (plus my two cents on Rosneft--Qatar.) Other Rosneft buffs, did you see this? @WendySiegelman @grantstern @J_amesp @submergingmkt @annmarlowe
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Interesting discrepancies: According to the Russian media, Rick Perry, U.S. Energy Secretary, has ALREADY ARRIVED to Moscow today, on 9/11, and is visiting till Sept 13 when he meets his counterpart, Alexander Novak. Dugin's pub Tsargrad announced these dates ahead of time. ⬇️
2. American media claims only the part of the visit starting on Thursday, Sept 13. The visit, as the Russian media describes it, is covered "frugally." Indeed. Where is Mr. Perry now? It is a long flight, of course.…
3. They are going to talk about sanctions, note the Russian sources. Let's refresh some recent history--still not covered by the press (just like Mr. Perry's visit.)
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KushCo is on the verge of closing a sweetheart deal for 666 Fifth Ave with Brookfield Asset Mgmt👉🏼2nd largest shareholder is #Qatar Investment Authority (#QIA), who was part of the #Rosneft🇷🇺spinout reported in the #SteeleDossier‼️ 1/…
This is the **same** #QIA whose U.S. head (Ahmed al-Rumaihi), along w/#Qatar’s foreign minister, met w/Michael Cohen (Trump Org) & Misha🇷🇺Flynn (Trump campaign) on 12/12/16, as revealed by @MichaelAvenatti‼️🙄 2/


Kushner allegedly used US foreign policy (e.g., the Saudi/UAE blockade of #Qatar) as leverage to "encourage" #Qatar to bail KushCo out of 666 Fifth Ave.🤬

Kushner's father previously denied meeting w/the Qataris, who now are bailing him out‼️🙄 3/

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