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Aug 7th 2022
#ImpactFees in 2020 @dsjernigan had his attempt for #MetroNashville to impose #ImpactFees shot down by Republicans in favor of #RealtorsLobby and have the audacity to blame Nashville for not being capable of keeping up with the growth demands.
In 2022 they killed it again as #metrocouncil offered it as a compromise to hosting the #RNC in 2024. Cepicky who is backed by the same group paying to kill #ImpactFees authored his own #ImpactFee bill, but refused to work with @dsjernigan for a bipartisan movement.
His also didn’t get any traction because the @TNGOP is beholden to donors not #voters. The lackluster response by Cepicky is who spent more of his time in the #TNLeg talking adolescent genitalia than helping prevent the need for a #MauryCounty property tax hike.
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