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Jul 24th 2021
Week 4🧵Round Up

Jill Jones debut album.

June & July = JJ = Jill Jones

1 FINAL week left on the Jill Jones Twitter Thread!

#ICYMI - see the published🧵’s below.


Sampling Jill Jones
On Sampling JJ @polishedsolid weaves a fascinating alternate unknown history of JJ as the Rave Muse sampled in Breakbeat Hardcore classics rinsed at every rave in the early 90’s - perhaps spreading JJ’s legacy further afield than Paisley Park ever did....
Read 30 tweets
Jul 23rd 2021
“The technique of digitally encoding music or sound & reusing it as part of a composition or recording.”

Tonight @polishedsolid dissects the Jill Jones album to reveal the impact it had upon other songs.

#PrinceTwitterThread #jilljones Image
@polishedsolid is an exceptionally talented person.

A Prince podcaster & symposia creator and a helluva lot more!

Just check it all out below. ImageImage
Symposia & Event creator:
Read 10 tweets
Jul 22nd 2021
“My Man” - ‘MM’ is the track that kick started it all.

MM provided the impetus that began the creative work for the @jilldjones ‘JJ’ album.

So from that POV alone, it’s a very important track.

#jilljones Image
MM was constructed over a period of 7 months at Sunset Sound.

On 10 May 1985, after finalising the configuration of the Mazarati album, P created the initial version of MM.

On 12 May 1985 P recorded overdubs & it’s also possible that JJ laid down the vocals on this date. ImageImage
In that same month, P was laying down tracks & configuring several other projects including Parade, The Family, ATWIAD, Dance Electric, Manic Monday & Roadhouse Garden.

He was also working on a no. of unreleased tracks.

And also planning UTCM & scouting for movie locations🤯 ImageImage
Read 104 tweets
Jul 22nd 2021
Just because U are the
finest of your mama's children
Doesn't mean U can play around

Build up your stamina & join me later for “My Man” - the penultimate track from the JJ debut.

#jilljones Image
@deejayumb is a host of #PrinceTwitterThread

Grew up w/ P soundtracking my teens & it was *MORE* phenomenal than they would have you believe!

- Stanning P since 82’

Done stuff in the music world, inc. w/ family of music royalty but that was then & this is.....just for now! ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Jun 29th 2021
Part II

June & July = JJ = Jill Jones

This Part II will be a brief overview of the album from its recording to it’s release.

The individual tracks will not be covered as our contributors will dive into these.

So let’s start with the Album.

#PrinceTwitterThread #Jilljones
I wish I could drop a streaming link to this album but it isn’t on streaming platforms.

it went out of print not long after its release & is difficult to find on Vinyl & CD.

There’s a GREAT demand for a JJ SDE on translucent Pink💖Vinyl.

And it needs to come out NOW 🖤💀
Front Cover:

JJ is standing over a manhole & is pulling down her flyaway skirt to avoid exposing her underwear.

This mirrors the iconic movie poster to the Monroe classic “7 Year Itch” - Monroe standing on a subway grate as her white dress is blown upwards by a passing train.
Read 100 tweets

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