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Jul 16th 2019
PLEASE🙏🏽...take a moment for a short thread👇🏽

Talia Joy Castellano died six years ago today.

I had been following this remarkable young lady after seeing her on @TheEllenShow. Talia was a 13 year-old who was wise beyond her years, perhaps because she would have so few of them.
@COVERGIRL made Talia an honorary Cover Girl after seeing her makeup tip videos on @YouTube. Talia was naturally beautiful, but her inner beauty surpassed even her physical appearance. There is no way of knowing just how many children (and adults) that Talia helped. 2/
As a result of fighting TWO forms of cancer for over six years (half her life) Talia had received thousands of units of blood, and, as her mom explained, Talia learned about the importance of blood donors the hard way, because of a blood supply shortage. 3/
Read 7 tweets
Jan 29th 2019
The #10YearChallenge made me reflect not so much about the differences in the way I look, but about how much my life has changed since then and all that I’ve learned. It has also inspired me to write my first ever thread!
Ten years ago this week my first children's book "Greetings from Kiwi and Pear" was published. I was also drowning deep in credit card debt that was spiraling out of control.
Most of it accumulated after launching a stationery & gift business in 2003 & quitting my day job shortly after. By 2009, my products were sold in 100's of stores nationwide, I rented office space to house inventory and hire help, and I was doing tradeshows all over the country.
Read 19 tweets

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