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Feb 20th 2023
It appears 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 and Hargeisa have come to their senses and backed off a several month long ruinous path towards a secession of #Somaliland.

Albeit only after a lot of conflict and needless death. Excellent interesting report here via ⁦…
It is revealing that the beginning of a return to sanity in Hargeisa in this imperialist - western power driven - lethal misadventure appears to have come after a tweet from @AsstSecStateAF Molly Phee (who has this past week been in Addis with a high level delegation.)
The most useful thing that the Western Powers - EU NATO & US (presently engaged in #JustifiedAccord DoD led exercises) could do to end this debacle once and for all would be to recall their provocateur in chief in this region - Matthew Bryden aka @dibjir.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
A background article on #JustifiedAccord (US War Games) referenced here >>… {link:}

Is not available, but is in the cache.…
#JustifiedAccord is a large scale multinational AFRICOM live fire exercise involving countries from serveral nations, mostly in the Horn of Africa.

An interesting thing about this article is that it relates to a meeting in Nairobi in Oct. during the Pretoria Peace Talks.
This seems to be the current live home page for the operation. Which has significantly less information than above. The exercise appears to have grown to 20 nations now.…

It links to >>… which has materials from Justified Accord '22.
Read 21 tweets

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