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Dec 17th 2021
Stupendous #returns in various schemes of 6 wound up schemes including flows from segregated portfolios. I do not think anyone in their wildest dreams had thought of such an outcome a year back. #XIRR is the right way to gauge returns as payments were recd in different tranches.
Also, give credit where it is due. All this has happened only due to sale of the so called quote-unquote, #ILLIQUID, #LOWQUALITYDEBT. These were sold at huge premiums within a span of 12 months (6-8 months were wasted in court cases, voting for winding up etc).
These securities were sold seamlessly by another Fund House due to Court Order. This was possible only because underlying securities, structures, quality, etc was good to start with created by the #FundManager of @FTIIndia
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