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Dec 17th 2021
Stupendous #returns in various schemes of 6 wound up schemes including flows from segregated portfolios. I do not think anyone in their wildest dreams had thought of such an outcome a year back. #XIRR is the right way to gauge returns as payments were recd in different tranches.
Also, give credit where it is due. All this has happened only due to sale of the so called quote-unquote, #ILLIQUID, #LOWQUALITYDEBT. These were sold at huge premiums within a span of 12 months (6-8 months were wasted in court cases, voting for winding up etc).
These securities were sold seamlessly by another Fund House due to Court Order. This was possible only because underlying securities, structures, quality, etc was good to start with created by the #FundManager of @FTIIndia
Read 4 tweets
Dec 4th 2021
"Deep in the underbelly of the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, freezers.. store bat tissue from around the world, dating back to the late 1980s."

Toronto, please create a local wildlife trade so that there is some ambiguity in case a lab leak occurs.…
You won't need much. Something on the order of 10 civet cats a month will ensure that an adequate number of top virologists will express near certainty that any novel virus must have come from the local food market instead of your lab with thousands of diverse pathogen samples.
"amassed roughly 15,000 bat specimens from 400 different species...

the technique also preserves whatever viruses are hiding in the mammals...

And bats carry a lot of viruses...

... the viruses they carry can sometimes ravage humans."

Enough said.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 29th 2020
With #Covid_19, we are generating more wastes, especially medical waste.
What are the impacts of this on the environment, and most importantly, on #sanitationworkers?

Join us on #WASHDriversHangout this week as we discuss with Oluwafemi Ariyo, @Harryphem.

Meet our guest, #WASHDriversHangout

@Harryphem is a fellow of @WSSCCouncil. He holds a Masters degree in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, and he currently works as an Industrial Water Chemical and Treatment Personnel in the private sector.

#Covid_19 #Mask
We'll begin #WASHDriversHangout in less than 10mins.

Our topic is #Covid_19 and #MedicalWaste: Assessing the safety of Sanitation Workers.

Our guest is @Harryphem.

The session will be moderated by @vicogunsola

#MaskUpNigeria #mask
Read 14 tweets
Apr 1st 2020
#100daysofCPD is where @UoB_HEFi will be beaming a spotlight onto #teaching and supporting #learning in #HigherEducation #CPD opportunities especially for #Beacon #HEAfellowship applicants & @uob_pgche participants during #COVID19 times & beyond Image
#100daysofCPD: #Day1 is the @UoB_HEFi #Learning and #Teaching Gateway. Full of self-paced online courses on a range of #technology and teaching topics. #BestPractice #CPD Go to… Image
#100daysofCPD #Day2: @matt_tel_brum shares this Resource - How to Keep Uninvited Guests Out of Your Zoom Event containing all you need to know about Zoom’s #settings when using for #teaching, #meetings or #socializing during #COVID19 & beyond…
Read 106 tweets
Mar 14th 2020
******What not to buy *******

Don’t buy psu stocks - Govt does charity, not for profits

Don’t buy low PE stocks - Market give low PE for some reason (cyclical, CG, low growth, poor mgmt, unscalable, sector headwinds, etc.)

#Lessons #StockMarkets
Don’t buy infra stocks - market leader L&T gave negligible returns in last decade, low margins, sector headwinds

Don’t buy commodities stocks - it is for traders, cyclical, hard to buy at bottom and sell at top


#sensex #nifty
Don’t buy high dividend yields stocks - if the company is paying all profits as cash, it implies that they don’t want to invest in company due to low growth

Don’t buy stocks where promoter holding is quite less - it should be minimum 50 to 60% if not 75%

#nifty #stocks
Read 13 tweets

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