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Jul 4th 2018

Putin's (and Trump’s) next goal is the destruction of NATO 🔥🔥🔥

There is an eyewitness who puts Cohen in a hotel room with members of the Solntsevskaya organized crime group in Moscow

Federal Facebook probe now includes FBI, SEC. #ZuckIsFuqqed

Senate Intelligence Committee Report confirms 2017 DNI Report

The EPA’s Ethics Officer Once Defended Pruitt. Then He Urged Investigations.

Congressional IT staffer reaches plea deal that debunks RW media conspiracy theories about illegal information access

Bipartisan Senate Panel Gives Middle Finger to #TraitorTot @DevinNunes aka #LajesBoy #SIGINTFuqqed

Glencore been subpoenaed by the U.S. DOJ to hand over docs related to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act & U.S 💰 laundering statutes.
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