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Aug 31st 2022
Who the hell is in charge here & why aren't they taking the climate emergency seriously?
@Dave_Eby @BCNDPCaucus @s_guilbeault @JustinTrudeau @jjhorgan #cdnpoli #lngcanada @JonathanWNV
👉🏽People are DYING #Pakistan #China
👉🏽People died #BCheat2021
👉🏽It's going to get worse especially with more Methane emissions 😡 #LakeMead
Read 4 tweets
Jun 23rd 2022
Worrisome—Water levels in Lake Mead (largest US reservoir—critical drinking water source to millions in California, Arizona, Nevada, & part of Mexico 🇲🇽) are dropping so low that #LakeMead could soon hit "dead pool" levels—when water won't flow downstream!…
2) The minimum surface elevation needed to generate power at the Hoover Dam is 1,050 feet, according to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Anything below that is considered "inactive pool," and a "dead pool" exists at 895 feet in elevation.
3) The water levels at Lake Mead measured at 1043.82 feet Thursday morning, records from the Bureau of Reclamation show, making it **less than 150 feet away** from becoming a dead pool. 👀
Read 4 tweets
May 12th 2022
"Adopting modifiable healthy lifestyles was associated with lifetime gain, even in individuals aged 80 years or more, regardless of the presence of any major comorbidities in each life stage since middle age." -- Ryoto Sakaniwa, et al.…
Poll: 58% of Voters Would Consider Moderate Independent in 2024 And Utah Democrats Make a Surprise Move…

#PartisanPolitics, #ThirdParty, #ModerateIndependents
Impact of modifiable healthy lifestyle adoption on lifetime gain from middle to older age…
#LifestyleModification, #HealthyChoices, #LifeExpectancy, #MiddleAge, #StudyResults
Read 13 tweets

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