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Most recents (24)

đŸ§”It appears that as of now we have no consensus in @NATO to bring #Ukraine into the alliance, with the conversation having shifted to debating a formula that would provide assurances and support to Ukraine short of membership. These half measures will help, but not enough. 1/8
I won’t go into those proposals, as in my view none offers a clear path forward that Ukraine needs to rebuild after the war. Moscow banks that that the West will not stand up for what it preaches, and that it will push #Ukraine to a settlement that will cede UKR territory. 2/8
We continue to re-debate why #Russia invaded #Ukraine instead of focusing on how to defeat the invasion. And most of all, while govt documents and analytical pieces talk of a new era of great power competition, I have yet to see a clear articulation of what victory look like.3/8
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DĂ©but de l'Agenda 2030 des Nations Unies/The Great Reset la peur&les mensonges aprĂšs mensonges aprĂšs misĂ©rables mensonges sur un virus qui,Ă  juste titre,peut-on se demander,a-t-il jamais existĂ©?enfermer les gens,les empĂȘcher de voir leurs proches, parents ĂągĂ©s,proches mourants. Image
L'objectif Ă©tait&est Ă  ce jour non pas de guĂ©rir,mais de tuer un mouvement de dĂ©peuplement massif du monde.C'est lĂ  oĂč nous en sommes aujourd'hui,avec la divulgation de milliers&de milliers de documents #Pfizer. Image
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Today’s #CPI report for May showed another very firm depiction of where #inflation currently resides in the U.S., with #coreCPI (excluding volatile food and energy components) printing at 0.44% month-over-month and 5.33% year-over-year.
Meanwhile, #headlineCPI data printed 0.12% month-over-month and came in just above 4% year-over-year, with declines in #energy components and some food prices being offset by gains in #shelter and used cars and trucks.
Overall, headline #inflation does appear to be moderating at a faster pace and we believe that the trend in inflation (despite the firmness of core measures in today’s report) is broadly heading in the right direction, relative to the @federalreserve’s inflation target.
Read 16 tweets
On ne comprend pas pourquoi le peuple #Russe, par lĂąchetĂ© sans doute, a laissĂ© #Poutine prendre le pouvoir. Il leur avait dit "Ne vous occupez de rien, je m'occupe de tout". On voit mĂȘme le fantĂŽme de #Trump se profiler Ă  l'horizon, portĂ© par des gens abreuvĂ© de complotisme.
Et l'on commence à comprendre comment les #Extremes font pour progresser en #Europe, portés par des gens qui découvrent cette sublime jouissance de sortir délibérément des conventions, se croyant "rebelles" mais agissant, à l'insu de leur plein gré, pour le compte de pantins.
Le monde entier semble animĂ© par les Ă©motions les + folles, des peurs archaĂŻques qui se mĂ©langent aux vrais dĂ©fis sans que personne ne sache vraiment dĂ©mĂȘler le vrai du faux. C'est prĂ©cisĂ©ment le terreau sur lequel prospĂšrent ces fous du pouvoir qui se contentent de tout agiter.
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@iltalehti_fi "-lĂ€nsimaiset '#poliitikot' ”eivĂ€t aja omien maidensa etuja, vaan ovat #marionetteja globaalien #eliitti'en kĂ€sissĂ€â€:
#Zdokumentti eli #SateenkaariSanna

@iltalehti_fi #Kusetus
cc: @ odefinn
Johan oli.. meidÀn onnemme ettÀ #VenÀjÀ nÀkee lÀpi tuon Suomen valtiovallan kansan kusettamisen, ilman sitÀ olisimme todella #kusessa.
@iltalehti_fi @kokoomus @Demarit @vasemmisto @persut @keskusta @KDpuolue @sfprkp @vihreat #Zdokumentti eli #SateenkaariSanna
- "lĂ€nsimaiset '#poliitikot' ”eivĂ€t aja omien maidensa etuja, vaan ovat #marionetteja globaalien #eliitti'en kĂ€sissĂ€â€: ImageImageImageImage
Read 33 tweets
The Eurozone has been confirmed as entering a 'technical recession' by EuroStat after the region shrank by 0.1% in Q1 2023, marking two consecutive quarters of contracting GDP. 
#Europe #EuropeanUnion #recession Image
1. According to the third, final assessment, in the first quarter the indicator increased by one percent in annual terms, but in the quarter it decreased by 0.1 percent. Preliminary and interim estimates at the same time assumed growth - by 1.3 and 0.1 percent.
#recession Image
2. In the fourth quarter of last year, in annual terms, there was also an increase - by 1.8 percent, but in quarterly terms - a decrease by the same 0.1 percent. In addition, the total GDP of the EU countries in the first quarter.
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Depuis que le journaliste Seymour Hersh (
) a publié
"How America Took Out The #NordStream Pipeline" (
), la #CIA s'est crue obligĂ©e d'activer ses rĂ©seaux en #Europe et aux #USA pour tenter de dĂ©tourner les soupçons vers l'#Ukraine.
Cette opĂ©ration d'intox a utilisĂ© les mĂ©dias d'oligarques occidentaux habituĂ©s Ă  colporter la propagande de la CIA. Le matraquage mĂ©diatique est censĂ© compenser l'indigence de leur histoire des 6 plongeurs ukronazis louant un petit voilier pour trimbaler des tonnes de matos ? 🙄
La réalité: "En juin dernier [2022], les plongeurs de la Navy, opérant sous le couvert d'un exercice de l'OTAN largement médiatisé au milieu de l'été connu sous le nom de BALTOPS 22 ont posé les explosifs déclenchés à distance trois mois plus tard"

Read 11 tweets
In the #EU, according to the most recent opinion #poll, almost two-thirds of respondents view #Russia as an adversary or a rival to the European Union - a sharp increase since 2021.


The proportion of Europeans who consider Russia an adversary has trebled since 2021.

Finally #Europe is waking up and sees #Russia for what it is.

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Breakdown by country.

Bulgaria, what's wrong with you? Image
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Who bombed the Nova Khakovka Dam? #Russia & #Ukraine r suffering from the destruction of the dam.

Cui bono? The US is directing the war, providing support & intelligence and having the technical capability is carelessness about both sides' losses.

All #US tools, including the #EU official like @vonderleyen & co. r already accusing #Russia because they believe they can bark loudly and influence public opinion.
In reality, #Ukraine has failed the first push, and the #US needed a diversion, similar to the defeat in #Bakhmut.
A natural water barrage has been created, making any possible "spring offensive" void.

An excellent way to avoid declaring the defeat of 50 nations in #Ukraine.
Read 4 tweets
@ZichenWanghere from @CCG_org on reasons behind #China's position on #Russia-#Ukraine conflict & what the West could do to get China on its side: "I see that many in the West insist that China has enormous leverage to pressure Moscow but the reality is much more difficult." đŸ§”: Image
"Whenever a Chinese person looks at China on the world map, he or she sees an overbearing Russia, a huge country on top of China. The entire 20th century, #Russia has had an enormous impact and influence on China."
"After a lot of problems, only in the past ten years or so, the two countries have become close geopolitical partners, especially against what they perceive as US containment and encirclement. "
Read 13 tweets
How long would the #COVID19 #pandemic have lasted without the #vaccine?

We have two ways to answer this question: the first is the #historical one, i.e. looking at the past and understanding how many years the previous pandemics caused by respiratory #viruses lasted. (1/9) Image
The available data tell us that all pandemics caused by respiratory #viruses lasted about two years:

-Influenza A H1N1 (swine flu), caused by an #influenza A virus of swine origin, lasted from April 2009 to August 2010.

-Influenza A H3N2 (Hong Kong flu), (2/9)
caused by an influenza A virus that emerged in 1968 and replaced the previous H2N2 #virus, which lasted until 1970.

Influenza A H2N2 (Asian flu), caused by an #influenza A virus that emerged in 1957 and replaced the previous H1N1 virus, which lasted until 1958. (3/9)
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#France and #Macron deserve a thread in the context of #Ukraine, #Russia and beyond.

- First, some historical context: France, just like #Britain, is a declining power. This process started with the loss of colonies after the World War 2.

đŸ§” ...


- A clear geopolitical shift happen with the Suez Crisis in 1956, which marked the emergence of #USA and #USSR as the world powers.

- #France also experienced a humiliating military defeat by #Germany during the World War 2. That shaped rather pretentious politics of ...

.. Charles de Gaulle, who tried to restore the French power with dissenting views vis-a-vis #Americans and #British (or the "collective Anglo-Saxons"). In 1966, #France withdrawn from the #NATO's military command.

Read 19 tweets
Day 462 of #Europe's war, the last day of May.

Mercifully a quiet morning so far this Wednesday in #Ukraine

This is my 462nd daily thread.
All the info you need about #Russia's attack in one handy thread, updated throughout the day.

You can support me with a coffee (see bio)🙏
If you happen to have missed all yesterday's news, put the kettle on and prepare for a long read!

Here's the link for yesterday's thread on what happened in #Ukraine and #Russia.

The biggest event overnight happened in #Russia's #Krasnodar region.

Drones hit the Afipsky Oil Refinery and a fire soon took hold, although it's since been extinguished; no-one was hurt.

About 150km from the front, that's less fuel helping Russia kill Ukrainians.
Read 45 tweets
Why #JoeBiden Will Get the #NobelPeacePrize - a thread đŸ§”

The #UkraineWar might be a blessing for the world in disguise by bringing about lasting world peace.

And, for this, we will have to thank the @POTUS

How? Because, no matter what the cost, Western countries are determined to supply more and more weapons and ammunition to Ukraine to fight #Russia.

#Biden has said that #American support for #Ukraine will continue "as long as it takes."

#Russia has been steadily destroying all this ammunition and these weapons, so much so that it is already summer (beginning of June) and the "spring #counteroffensive" of #Ukraine hasn't yet started, because they have no weapons to start any offensive.

Read 8 tweets
Market Alert | Here are the highlights of the updates in the US markets

#Nasdaq #US #DebtCeiling Image
Market Alert | This is how the European markets fared👇

#Europe #Dax #Stoxx #RecepTayyipErdogan Image
Market Alert | Asian markets latest updates👇

#Asia #Nikkei #Kospi #US #DebtCeiling Image
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[#Infographie] Le dĂ©clin des populations d’oiseaux des champs en #Europe #ScienceCQFD Image
[#Infographie] Evolution des oiseaux en France par groupe de spĂ©cialisation extrait de l’édition 2021 du #STOC #ScienceCQFD Image
[#Infographie] Les activités humaines à l'origine du déclin des oiseaux en #Europe #ScienceCQFD Image
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Why the mafia loves Germany

The massive international raids on the Italian 'Ndrangheta organization have again put the spotlight on #moneylaundering in Germany. Has organized crime found a haven in this country?

#Germany #Italy #OrganizedCrime

"Coordinated raids against 'Ndrangheta organized crime syndicate across #Europe beginning of May attracted international headlines and generated explosive insider stories about the details of the investigation."
"What the raids didn't do was surprise seasoned mafia investigators." Image
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#ItsDone #SunakBomba N°2.
cc: @ Circonscripti18
#Russian intelligence confirms that the #NATO-#Ukrainian #terrorist regime is preparing to seize the #Zaporizhzhia #NPP by crossing the #Dnieper. This was also announced by the PDT of the "We are with Russia" movement V. #Rogov ImageImageImage
Next #FalseFlag in the #HeavenlyJerusalem - #Zaporizhzhia.
#Satanic #Zionists do not care about the lifes of the #goyims, cuz according to the #Talmud they are comparable to #insects and must be eliminated.

- #AshkeNAZI #Zelensky at #MSC: "#AtomicBomb" Image
Chapter II.
#Christians are to be #Exterminated
- Art. 1. Christians to be Harmed #Indirectly
- Art. 2. Christians to be Harmed #Directly

#mRNA-#WEF-#UkraineWAR-#WW3 Revelation 3 9 Look at thos...The Talmud Unmasked  [The S...
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Recent study present an analysis of “the gap between the CO2 storage required to meet net zero targets and the slow maturation of regional storage resources.”


đŸ§” 1/12 ImageImage
Researchers estimate that “European storage rates need to boost 30-100x by 2030 to meet #NetZero by 2050. 🇹🇳 & North America face a similar challenge. The slow global progress of #CarbonStorage undermines the latest IPCC, IEA & EU transition pathways to net zero by 2050.”
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“These pathways imply a radically in teased demand for carbon capture and storage & #NegativeEmissionTechnologies (#NETs), contributing 500 of 700 megatonnes of #CarbonDioxideRemoval annually by 2050.”
3/12 Image
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Depuis la fin de la 2e guerre mondiale, il s'est établi entre la #Russie et l'occident un étrange rapport hiérarchique. Il y avait l'#URSS qui faisait "Bouh!" et les #USA qui tremblaient. AprÚs la chute du mur de Berlin, on espérait que tout changerait. Il y eut cette ouverture.
#Poutine ne l'a pas entendu comme on l'espérait. Il voulait bien une ouverture, surtout économique, à condition de restaurer une hiérarchie de domination sur l'#Europe. Il envahit l'#Ukraine, brandit sans cesse ses armes nucléaire et fait "Bouh!" en espérant nous faire trembler.
Je ne comprends pas ces "lignes rouges" stupides qui handicapent lourdement la dĂ©fense de l'#Ukraine. Pour la 1ere fois au monde un pays envahi se voit contraint de respecter des rĂšgles qui ne le sont pas par son adversaire alors que ce dernier est mĂȘme coupable de gĂ©nocide!
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Le peuple Russe, sous emprise, est un peuple ravagĂ© par la peur entretenue par ses dirigeants depuis plus d'un siĂšcle. Pour quelques roubles il s'en est remis Ă  #Poutine de la mĂȘme maniĂšre que, les yeux fermĂ©s, il s'en remettait Ă  #Staline quelles que soient les circonstances.
Dans l'ouest #Russe, on vit comme en #Europe sous un flot de pĂ©tro-dollars, mais sur le reste de ce pays immense, il n'en va pas de mĂȘme. Les rĂ©gions y sont sous-Ă©quipĂ©es et soumises au pouvoir central, dictatorial. C'est lĂ  qu'on ramasse les jeunes gens pauvres pour la guerre.
Le #Kremlin a gardé ses habitudes Staliniennes faites de bravades imbéciles et de rodomontades. Ses dirigeants exposent des médailles factices qui couvrent la totalité de leurs vestes criardes. Peut-on accepter que @JLMelenchon et @MarineLepenFN, admiratifs, suivent l'exemple?
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@guyverhofstadt @PM_ViktorOrban #EUArchives.
“The #Nazi Roots of the ‘#Brussels EU’” proves that the key architects of the #EuropeanUnion were recruited from among the same technocrats who had previously designed the plans for a post-#WW2 #Europe under the #control of the Nazis.

@guyverhofstadt @PM_ViktorOrban The Hidden #Nazi Background Of #WalterHallstein, #Founding #President Of The Brussels #EUCommission | June 3, 2016
- #Hallstein’s role representing the Nazi government in official state negotiations

@guyverhofstadt @PM_ViktorOrban Angela #Hitler '#Merkel'
cc: @ TaranQ
Another addition is the fact that #Merkel (#Hitler's daughter) now admits that the #Minsk peace agreements were never meant to establish peace, but just to give #Ukraine TIME to PREPARE for the #war against #Russia.
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🇼đŸ‡č@DanieleScalea, directeur du groupe de rĂ©flexion italien @Machiavelli_it et expert du Moyen-Orient et du djihadisme dĂ©clare : "L'immigration est un problĂšme surtout parce qu'elle ressemble de plus en plus Ă  une colonisation Ă©trangĂšre de notre territoire"
đŸ“œïžVidĂ©o 1sur2
đŸ“œïžVidĂ©o 2sur2
Afin de mieux apprĂ©hender la problĂšme —

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You can be that way if you'd like, Daniel. No one's upset that you're a #Kremlin employee. Everyone has to make a living, right? đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž

Just understand that we shall continue to obstruct #Russia's plainly obvious #war of conquest—apparently your definition of "#warmongering."
1/ Image
I'd probably miss the old #Soviet days too if I was you. We can understand your desire to rebuild the old empire.

Although, for the sake of your mental health, I hope you're not too overly nostalgic. Now that we know what you're up to, we'll certainly thwart your ambitions.
2/ Image
We'd had high hopes that you'd choose a more enlightened means of restoring your respectability. 🌍

Unfortunately, like the fellow in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade film who foolishly drank from the necrotizing holy grail instead of the real one, "you've chosen poorly."
Read 9 tweets

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