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Dec 10th 2020
@irumanyika @JosephAkol1 @URAuganda @SRKimbugwe @VSeruma Thank you Ian for taking time to respond to my queries on #Logbooks #Validation. I have previously failed to trigger a response from @URAuganda which shd not be the case. I personally think URA should intervene in such a case, but, I will take your advice, and give this a shot.
@irumanyika @JosephAkol1 @URAuganda @SRKimbugwe @VSeruma #LONGshot 😆 😆
#Logbooks #Validation

Hopefully new @URA_CG can engage a little more often than once a month .. Reason, 4rm little I know, he brings superior digital, computer, DIY, internet skills to URA to make it easier, automate, for clients, a new normal, drive up revenue!
@irumanyika @JosephAkol1 @URAuganda @SRKimbugwe @VSeruma @URA_CG #Thirdparty
#Logbooks #Validation

Dear @URA_CG Sir, the scenario I paint above, happened before with TIN registration. Some of us had to pay agents to get TINs, until it was automated. For me to validate or transfer, I do not need to move around so long as I have the details.
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