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Mar 11th 2020
PSA: Here is an example of #ElectionFraud...note the timestamps.

I saw Maine had the same type of occurrence, can anyone share the Maine Primary screen grab here, please?

I'd like to make a thread to share with Election integrity organizations!

#MIPrimary #MEPrimary
We will also note exit poll data here as well to corroborate #ElectionFraud


Buttigieg saw a 12%⬆️of his exit poll projection w/ machine counts gaining ~8K more votes than predicted by exit poll, at expense of mainly Klobuchar + Biden…

Biden’s vote count showed largest disparity from his exit poll projection. His unverified machine tallies showed an 8.3%⬆️of his projected exit poll share. Given the 528,776 voters in this election, he gained ~19,700 more votes than projected…
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