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Nov 20th 2018
Propane Jane: Years ago there was an op-ed by a teacher who said that listening to Trump was like listening to a student who was unprepared for assignment & tried to filibuster their way through it.That's what happened here
@docrocktex26 #InstabilityInChief #MakeAmericaRakeAgain
Propane Jane: There were a lot of climate change researchers who went to extraordinary measures to preserve their work once they found out Trump would be President.They feared their research would be intentionally destroyed
@docrocktex26 #InstabilityInChief #MakeAmericaRakeAgain
Propane Jane: Trump is taking it personally, I'm sure, that he lost when so many Democrats won seats in the election.
@docrocktex26 #InstabilityInChief #MakeAmericaRakeAgain
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