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Most recents (2)

May 4th 2023
Midjourney for Anime & Manga Part 2!

Let's explore more manga authors to diversify our prompts and improve them.

#AnimeStyle #MangaStyle #manga #anime #Shonen #Shojo #AnimeCommunity #niji #Ai #aiart #midjourney #niji5 #nijijourney

🧵Thread 👇 Image
1. #RumikoTakahashi - Creator of "Ranma 1/2" and "Inuyasha," known for her charming, quirky, and character-driven style that blends comedy, romance, and fantasy. a man and a woman, by rumik...Image
2. #GoNagai - Creator of "Devilman", "Cutie Honey," and the famous mecha anime series "Mazinger Z". Renowned for his bold, dynamic, and provocative style that pushes the boundaries of action and ecchi genres. a man and a woman in the st...Image
Read 13 tweets
May 1st 2023
Midjourney for Anime & Manga

Let's dive into different manga authors together and what makes each style unique, so you can improve your prompts.

#AnimeStyle #MangaStyle #manga #anime #Shonen #Shojo #AnimeCommunity #niji #Ai #aiart #midjourney #niji5 #nijijourney

🧵Thread 👇 Image
1. #OsamuTezuka - The Godfather of Manga, famous for his expressive, bold, and iconic art style in works like "Astro Boy" and "Kimba the White Lion." A couple walking, by osamu ...
2. #AkiraToriyama - Creator of the dynamic, cartoonish, and lively "Dragon Ball" series, with energetic, exaggerated, and instantly recognizable character design and action scenes. a couple walking, in the st...Image
Read 13 tweets

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