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Mar 15th 2021
#72YearsOfLibertyCinema Celebrating the inauguration of the iconic Liberty Cinema.

The Art Deco gem was built by Habib Hoosein, who was trained in the cotton trade but whose real passion was film. He famously named it “Liberty” in honour of India’s independence (1/8) ImageImageImage
Moving away from Hollywood, it showed only Hindi films. "That a house of this kind should declare itself exclusive for Indian films is a matter of pride and pleasure to the industry." - Motion Picture Magazine, April 1949 (2/8) ImageImageImage
Hoosein’s son, Nazir, who was seven years old at the time, was present at the cinema’s inauguration and ceremoniously cut the ribbon. Habib Hoosein insisted the first screening be for the workers who had built the Liberty, and their families (3/8) ImageImageImage
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