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Dec 22nd 2022
By K. Srinivasa Raghava.
This December 22 marks the 135th birth anniversary of our own great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan-FRS and is observed as National Mathematics Day (GANIT).
The man who brought India to the World Mathematics Map is regarded as one of the greatest thinkers of the modern world without any formal education in Mathematics. Dreamt and it’s there is not always possible for a normal person without ample effort.
But the story is different for Ramanujan, a self-taught mathematician, who in his 32 years of life span on this earth has gifted his dreams to the whole world and never shied from making the effort to any extent.
Read 31 tweets
Dec 23rd 2021
Yesterday was #MathematicsDay. One math formula we keep hearing when investing is compounding. No doubt you'd have heard this quote attributed to Albert Einstein:

"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it.”
A lot of people know about compounding but very few people take advantage of it.


Partly because of human nature. We are hardwired to seek the pleasure of living in the present than the pain of prioritizing the future. It physically hurts to even think about the future.
Though the notion of compounding has become a cliché, it doesn't make it any less true. Very few things happen overnight in life, except for winning a lottery.

The good things in life take time, and the key is to realize this and not interrupt compounding, not just in investing.
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