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Sep 20th 2021
Kid: Tells an adult they are getting bullied.

Adults: Post this online and bully the kid more.

Yea that's a pretty good summary of what being autistic is like...
Things grown adults are saying about this child:
"Square ass"
"Smart ass"
And most common - "snitch."

The mixed messages adults give kids about bullying and telling adults,

With the implicit message that you should not do it or else you're "weak"

Is huge.
People are even saying this kid should be spanked or whipped for "snitching."

Noting his "strange" body language and how he ended the conversation. Saying he must have other motives.

This is why and how autistic black boys go to prison for doing nothing criminal.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 9th 2020
Yesterday, Salt Lake City police shot an unarmed 13-year-old autistic boy & the Rochester chief of police stepped down amid protests over the murder of #DanielPrude, another neurodivergent Black man in crisis.…… 1/
This is why we need to say #BlackDisabledLivesMatter & #BlackAutisticLivesMatter. This is why we need to make sure that disability is a part of conversations about police brutality, because it's a part of the story at least 33-50% of the time. (See…). 2/
This is why I focused on the cases of #NeliLatson & #MatthewRushin for my first contribution to #ScholarStrike.

Because their stories are not unique.

#FreeNeli #FreeMatthewRushin #RushinToBringMatthewHome 3/
Read 23 tweets

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