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Oct 25th 2022
We're thrilled to see a number of Australian media literacy resources launched recently to support adults and young people develop their critical media literacy abilities. Here are a few of them...
#GlobalMILWeek2022 #medialitwk #MediaLiteracyWeek #medialiteracy
1. Squizkids launched NewsHounds this week for primary students. Students develop media literacy over eight podcasts, using a fun board-game style digital learning experience @thesquiz
2. Media and Me at the National Film and Sound Archive is a facilitated media literacy program for students aged 9-13 that examines storytelling through animation, advertising, gaming, social media, film and music. @NFSAonline…
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Oct 25th 2019
Can you bee-lieve it’s the last day of #MediaLitWk? We’re closing out the week with a twitter thread fact-check. Big shout out to @ohbikepilot for alerting us to this claim by using #isthislegit. Let’s get started! Image
First thing’s first. Who is behind the information? It’s hard to say who’s behind the Physics and Astronomy Zone account. We went straight to the site - NO byline & NO helpful info on the site 🚩🚩🚩.
The article hyperlinked just one source...a Spanish site🤔. We translated the article and learned — it was @earthwatch_org who declared the bee as the most important species on the Earth.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 22nd 2019
HAPPENING NOW: Day ✌🏾 of #MediaLitWk is kicking off at .@thomsonreuters with remarks from Editor-in-Chief Steve Adler and .@ciullalipkin ImageImage
“Being media literate empowers us to be an engaged participant in the media-saturated world.” #MediaLitWk
A panel of journalists from .@Reuters .@CJR and .@VICENews are dropping gems on media literacy and how it relates to the business and content of media in today’s world! #MediaLitWk ImageImage
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