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Sidney Powell’s team cld not get Gohmert’s SCOTUS brief—asking Alito to stay certification of Biden’s win to allow briefing on Eastman’s BS legal theory—until 3:51 pm on Jan 6. A Republican Congressman tried earlier that day but failed. Is this when the breach was ordered? 1/ Image
2/ The screenshot in post 1 is from this article by Sidney Powell.…
3/ Gohmert’s brief was based on Eastman’s legal theory that Pence had discretion to reject the real electors & count the fake ones and/or throw it back to the states. Even Eastman knew the theory wld fail on the merits. Image
Read 60 tweets
One of Mike Lee's largest donors was a lobbyist for Russia's 2nd largest bank. Let's get into it.

A thread. With receipts.🧵1/

#mikelee #utah #senate #evanmcmullin
In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, disturbing facts have come to light regarding the 7th largest donor to #MikeLee’s campaign committee, Sidley Austin LLP. 🧵2/…
By way of background, Sidley Austin is a law firm with a substantial “government strategies” lobbying capability . Their bench is very deep. They are very connected. 🧵3/ #mikelee…
Read 21 tweets

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