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Mar 22nd 2023
1/5 📢 Lord Justice Haddon-Cave leads an independent inquiry into alleged unlawful killings by UK armed forces in Afghanistan. Focusing on night raids by special forces, it aims to restore the military and the country's reputation. #AfghanistanInquiry
2/5 🕵️ The inquiry follows legal challenges by Leigh Day, investigations by AOAV and BBC Panorama, and will assess the adequacy of Royal Military Police investigations, credibility of information, potential cover-ups, and lessons learned. #Accountability
3/5 đź“Ł Lord Justice Haddon-Cave calls for relevant info and emphasizes the inquiry's independence from the government. The Defence Minister and Chiefs expect full cooperation, but proceedings will mostly be private due to security concerns. #MilitaryJustice
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Jul 6th 2020
On July 1, Senators Kirsten #Gillibrand, Senator Chuck #Grassley & Senator Ted #Cruz announced they will offer the bipartisan #Military Justice Improvement Act as an amendment to this year’s National #Defense Authorization Act.… #NDAA #MJIA #PassMJIA
From Senator Gillibrand's press release: "The Military #Justice Improvement Act would professionalize how the #military prosecutes serious crimes by moving the decision over whether to prosecute them to independent, trained, professional military prosecutors." #MJIA #PassMJIA
"Despite years of Congressional reforms, thousands of service members are raped & sexually assaulted every year. In many of those cases, the assailant is someone in the survivor’s own chain of command." -- #military #MST #MilitarySexualTrauma #MJIA #PassMJIA
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